Tag Archives: Liberalism

How Russia left Communism and embraced Russian Conservatism

Glenn Diesen: How Russia left Communism and embraced Russian Conservatism, Herland Report

  We revisit professor Glenn Diesen’s book Russian Conservatism, which examines how Russia after a century of experimenting with communism and liberalism, has returned to its long conservative history, which dominated before 1917.  The Cold War continues to dominate the West’s analysis and understanding of Russia. From 1917 to 1991, Russia was interpreted through the lens of communism, and since …

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Existential inner peace in the midst of turmoil

Western Secular Values: Hanne Nabintu Herland, foto Steffen Aaland

  The 20th century introduced Marxist, atheist emptiness to the masses in the West. It may be argued that with it came the notion of life as a meaningless burden. With no heaven ahead and no hell to fear, the conscience was deemed an unnecessary relic from the past. Only the empirically observable was to be considered real, eternity regarded …

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Historic Liberalism versus today’s Marxist Liberalism

John Locke Historic Liberalism and freedom of choice: Freedom defined as the right to behave responsibly

  Many now associate the term “liberalism” with its modern version – a Marxist form of Liberalism – that advocates for free sex, the legalization of drugs in a hedonistic social climate that legitimizes selfishness in disregard of the obligation towards others. One feels – in line with Marxist thought – that it is the responsibility of the state to …

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Aleksandr Dugin and Western Totalitarian Liberalism

Aleksandr Dugin and Western Totalitarian Liberalism Turkish Post

  The most famous political philosopher in Russia, anti-communist, anti-Marxist Aleksandr Dugin, who recently gave an interview to Tucker Carlson, is well-known for pointing out that modern liberalism is the third wave of totalitarianism. Rather than ending totalitarianism, modern socialist liberalism, which developed with the rise of socialist movements that strongly opposed traditional values in the 20th century, continues the …

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The Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin: Enemy of Globalism

The Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin: AP

  The murder of the Russian journalist, Darya Dugina has brought international attention to her influential father, the Russian philosopher, Alexander Dugin. As the car bomb that killed her apparently was meant for her father, many read up on who Alexander Dugin is. Why is he considered so dangerous in the West and hailed as such a hero in the …

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Secular Extremism: Liberals define secularism as atheism, says Mohammad Usman Rana

Secular Extremism in Europe: Dr. Mohammad Usman Rana, Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): Historian Hanne Nabintu Herland sat down with Mohammad Usman Rana discussing secular extremism in Europe, authoritarian atheism and lack of respect for religious freedom. Watch it here! “Increasingly, we are seeing Liberals define secularism as atheism, and neutrality as godlessness,” says Dr. Mohammad Usman Rana, medical doctor, author and famous commentator in the media, in …

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The destructive effect of moving American jobs to China

American jobs and China: Herland Report Getty Illustration.

  “For a quarter century I have pointed out the destructive effect of moving American investment and jobs to China and other points abroad. Offshoring served the interests of corporate executives and shareholders. The lower labor costs raised profits and, thereby, executive bonuses and the prices of the stocks, resulting in capital gains for shareholders”, writes one of America’s leading …

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Billionaire Ray Dalio says US economy in existential threat if Capitalism does not Redistribute

Billionaire Ray Dalio says American economy poses existential threat if Capitalism does not Redistribute

  The wealth gap is at the highest since the late 1930s and the founder of Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund, Ray Dalio calls for reforming capitalism, arguing that if the US does not redistribute wealth and opportunity, the country’s existence as a stable global power is threatened, writes Business Insider. He said the US needs leadership that will declare inequality …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite