Tag Archives: neo-con

Donald Trump shooting: That the Secret Service allowed armed shooter within 150 yds is either malice or massive incompetence

Donald Trump shooting: That the Secret Service allowed armed shooter within 150 yds is either malice or massive incompetence

    “The fact that [the Secret Service] allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150 yds to a preplanned event is either malice or massive incompetence.” — Security expert Erik Prince, Navy Seal and founder of Blackwater One of the most puzzling aspects of the near assassination of Donald Trump on the Secret Service’s watch is the shooter’s expectation to …

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Book Review True Capitalism: The Hanne Nabintu Herland book “The Billionaire World“ is a vital book that will help you understand what is going on in the world today

Conservative Feminism: Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Hanne Nabintu Herland’s The Billionaire World: How Marxism serves the Elite (2023) is a vital book that will help you understand what is going on in the world today.  It will also help you to defend capitalism against objections that are all-too-common today, writes founder and president of the Mises Institute, Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. The article first appeared at …

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The 15 Years That Destroyed America

The 15 Years That Destroyed America: The Arctic Fox Cometh Imitating Islam in Persecuting Christians: Mission St. Gabriel, California, Church burning has come to America, just like ISIS burned churches in the Middle EastUSA

  The United States Government today bears little resemblance to the government created by the Founding Fathers.  Many “reforms” contributed to the transformation of an accountable government to an unaccountable one.   For example, the direct election of US senators and the expansion of the franchise from male property owners adversely affected the security of private property. The 15 Years That Destroyed …

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The Rising Tensions with China and lack of Western leaders with vision: An interview with Paul Craig Roberts


  “The neoconservatives who dominate US foreign policy, the principal purpose of which, in their words, is to prevent the rise of other countries with sufficient power to constrain US unilateralism, now face both China and Russia as threats to US hegemony.” “Russia’s punishment is conflict in Ukraine, sanctions, missiles on their border, and blown up Nord Stream pipelines,” says …

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Interview with Dr. Ron Paul: We need to return to the respect for international law

Ron Paul Herland Report

  Herland Report: Exclusive interview with Dr. Ron Paul, former US presidential candidate, Congressman, Libertarian, author and founder of The Liberty Report: We need to respect international law. Dr. Paul is sharply critical of the Federal Reserve, the military-industrial complex, the NSA surveillance and the US participation in the wars abroad. He is also president of The Ron Paul Institute. …

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A critical examination of the 9/11 official story

Post 9/11 crimes came the downfall of America: Herland Report Getty

  Herland Report: Over the years many have questioned what really happened during the 9/11 World Trade Center attack in New York, 2001, when Al Qaida linked Islamists hijacked airplanes and performed suicide attacks in the US. So we were told. Yet, the World Trade Center Building 7 has remained a mystery, as no planes were flown into this building, …

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Europe should break away from destructive Washington’s control and serve European interests

Europe should break away: Paul Craig Roberts, Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report: European governments do not realize their potential to save the world from Washington’s aggression, because the western Europeans are accustomed to being Washington’s vassal states since the end of World War 2. The eastern and central Europeans have accepted Washington’s vassalage since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Vassalage pays well if all the costs are not counted. …

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Interview Paul Craig Roberts: The Liberal hatred of the White Hetero Male

Paul Craig RobertsAmerica’s Color Revolution and How to Steal an Election

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report, speaks with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts about the implementation of the racist Liberal theories that now fuse the hatred of the white hetero male. Why does the Democratic Party choose to pull the race card – just like Hitler did – as if good and evil ever corresponds to …

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The Neocon Democrat Alliance to Destroy Trump – Phil Giraldi

  Herland Report: The neocon metamorphosis is nearly complete as many of the neocons, who started out as Democrats, have returned home, where they are being welcomed for their hardline foreign policy viewpoint. The neocons initially found a home with Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, but they moved on in the 1970s and 1980s to prosper under Ronald Reagan as …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite