Tag Archives: Pope Francis

Mel Gibson blasts Catholic Bishops who cancel traditional Priests: White Martyrdom

Mel Gibson blasts Catholic Bishops: Reuters

  Herland Report: Mel Gibson blasts Catholic Bishops: The iconic Catholic and ‘Passion of the Christ’ director, Mel Gibson recently hit hard on Pope Francis and the current politicized system within the Catholic church as orthodox, traditional priests are being “cancelled” and removed from their jobs. Stating that “There is a parallel, counterfeit church set up to eclipse the real one,” Gibson …

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Post Martin Luther: The Church is focusing on ending the divisions

Post Martin Luther: The Church is focusing on ending the divisions, Herland Report Getty

  Five hundred years ago, a previously unknown German monk, Martin Luther, posted a set of statements on the door of a church in Wittenburg, writes The Trumpet. “Historians still debate whether this actually happened, but it is a potent symbol of the start of the Protestant Reformation, which split the Catholic Church and led to numerous, vicious wars. Luther’s …

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The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion Vatican II

The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion: Pope Francis Reuters

  Herland Report: The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion: Post Martin Luther, now 500 years down the line, the Church has gone from division to reconciliation, shows a Pew Research Religion report.  The Trumpet gives this report on the matter: From the Catholic perspective, Protestants were the rebels who divided the church against Christ’s clear commands for unity. …

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Easter Speech: Pope Francis calls wars in Syria, Libya, Yemen scandalous, demanding end of military conflicts

Pope Francis on Christmas Day: Speaks about need to end military conflicts

  Herland Report: As the Easter Virgil service took place in the Vatican, with only 200 masked people present in an unprecedented shutdown of the Catholic Easter celebrations in Rome, Pope Francis spoke about the horrendous conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and Libya, imploring for an end to the “clash of arms”. He called it scandalous that “armed conflicts have not ended and …

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Interreligious talks: The lesson of St. Francis of Assisi, Raymond Ibrahim

Interreligious talks: The lesson of St. Francis of Assisi, Raymond Ibrahim

  Herland Report: Vatican News recently announced Pope Francis’ upcoming “Apostolic Journey to Morocco, whose theme is hope.”  Before spending March 30-31 in Morocco, Francis is also scheduled to visit the United Arab Emirates.  “Pope Francis will meet the leader of Moroccan Muslims,” Vatican Newscontinues, “800 years after the meeting between St. Francis of Assisi and Sultan al-Malik al-Kāmil of Egypt.” Francis has been …

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Pope Francis says service to others frees us from existential grayness

Pope Francis in Iraq, 2021

  Herland Report:  Pope Francis says service to others frees us from existential grayness: In his homily during Mass for Saturday’s trip to Molise, Pope Francis explained that the Church is a people that both serves God and lives in the freedom that he gives from oppression, Catholic News Agency reports. “This is the freedom that, by the grace of God, …

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Pope Francis on Christmas Day: God stronger than darkness & corruption

Pope Francis on Christmas Day: Speaks about need to end military conflicts

  Herland Report: Pope Francis on Christmas Day wished courage and warmth for the world in his Christmas Eve mass homily, as God is stronger than “darkness and corruption,” RT reports.  He also made a phone call to Iraqi refugees who fled ISIS violence, saying that they are “like Jesus” on this night. (Photo: Reuters) “Through the course of history, the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite