Tag Archives: Russia

Trump UK visit massive success, yet media bent on war with President

Trump UK visit massive success:

  Herland Report: Trump UK visit massive success: President Trump recently came back from the UK, where Londoners were beaming with excitement, eager to greet the American President. Banners, flower arrangements, festivities and celebrations surrounded both the banquet with Queen Elisabeth of England, and the commemorations of the 75 year anniversary of D-Day in World War II. (Feature photo: Sky …

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An historical overview: United States and Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world

United States and Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world Herland Report

  Herland Report: It has increasingly become more difficult for the United States to get away with the so-called “regime change” all around the world. The internett media increased criticism, bringing a variety of views and perspectives, makes it steadily harder for the elite owned US mainstream media to retain control over the narrative. Read the overview of the United …

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US citizen Khalifa Haftar and Russian ally is doomed to fail

US citizen Khalifa Haftar and Russian ally is doomed to fail, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Sasha Toperich:  US citizen and long term CIA operative Khalifa Haftar, has been a player on the Libya scene ever since he moved from the US in 2011 to join the NATO war. But it is hard to win a war without the support of the Libyan Tribes, who basically constitute the Libyan civil society. With the …

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TV intervju: Norge støtter rasister og fascister i Ukraina, Bjørn Nistad

TV intervju: Norge støtter rasister og fascister i Ukraina, Bjørn Nistad, Hanne Herland Report

  Herland Report: Ukrainske myndigheter har bestemt at det ved det kommende presidentvalget i Ukraina ikke skal være mulig å stemme ved Den ukrainske ambassaden i Moskva eller ukrainske konsulater i Russland. Dette betyr at de nærmere 3 millioner ukrainere som bor og arbeider i Russland, i realiteten er fratatt stemmeretten ved presidentvalget, hvis første runde er berammet til 31. mars, …

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Poverty in Russia falls to five-year low, writes Joaquin Flores

Poverty in Russia falls:

  Poverty in Russia falls: The poverty level in Russia in 2018 decreased to 12.9% (18.9 million people) returning to the 2014 figures.  This was reported to RBC on Thursday, March 21st, with reference to the statistical report of Rosstat, writes editor-in-chief of Fort Russ News, Joaquin Flores.     Poverty in Russia falls:  In 2017, 13.2% of the country’s population …

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War on Wikileaks, breakdown of national sovereignty, Phil Giraldi

War on Wikileaks, breakdown of national sovereignty, Phil Giraldi

  Herland Report: The United States, uniquely among nations, believes that its writ runs all over the world—and that it has a right to use its courts of law to seek retributive justice even in situations that did not involve American citizens and occurred in a foreign land. No other country sends its marshals overseas to forcibly detain fugitives from …

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Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs on Syria: We sent CIA to overthrow Assad

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Professor at Columbia, Jeffrey Sachs admits that the CIA instigated the insurgency in Syria, addressing the issue on national television in America, at the MSNBC studio, shocking the panelists. (Photo: President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad. BBC) Dr. Sachs, who is one of the most renounced US professors, said about Syria: “We have to step back and not …

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Intervju Trond Ali Linstad: Jesus er et stort forbilde som vi bør følge

Intervju Trond Ali Linstad: Herland Report

  Intervju Trond Ali Linstad: Det var en stor glede å samtale med muslimsk lege, Trond Ali Linstad på Herland Report TV. Linstad er daglig leder Urtehagen Stiftelse på Grønland i Oslo og serverer mange aktuelle betraktninger i programmet rundt kristendom, kristne som ikke følger Jesus’ eksempel, muslimer som ikke følger islams prinsipper og om ekstremismen som vrenger på budskapet …

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