The current day globalist capitalism that became dominant since the mid-1980s, could not have been successful without the Marxist weakening and breaking down of the moral standards in the West. To build the economy without a strong ethical foundation has legalized greed, theft and lack of accountability among the ruling elites. The Billionaire World and Karl Marx: The socialist …
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What was the Reagan Revolution about? Ending Stagflation and the Cold War
What was the Reagan Revolution about? It depends on whether you were part of it or viewed it through the eyes of the liberal media. I was a part of the Reagan Revolution. Reagan adopted the Kemp-Roth bill and the supply-side policy it represented as his economic policy to cure stagflation. The Reagan Revolution: As I had written the …
Read More »Brilliant Analysis on How US Economy Was Destroyed and the One Percent Tyranny Implemented
In 1945 the United States emerged from a world war with the only intact industrial economy in the world. The British, European, Soviet, and Japanese economies were in ruins. China and the rest of Asia, Africa, and South America had undeveloped economies, later renamed third world economies. Additionally, the US held most of the world’s gold reserves. President Franklin D. Roosevelt …
Read More »Hannah Arendt: Totalitarianism is product of the disintegration of the nation-state
In the famous German philosopher, Hannah Arendt ground-breaking book, The Origins of Totalitarianism, she analyzed the 20th century growth of atheist totalitarianism that led to Holocaust and the concentration camps of the Gulag in Russia. In the attempt to understand how the rise of totalitarianism was possible in Germany and Russia, she seeks to understand the power structures that …
Read More »How Atheist Communism produced Religious Revival in Russia and caused its return to Christianity
As Americans now turn to Marxism in the hope of a better and more just world, the Communist Soviet experience is worth revisiting. Submerged in atheist state control, the Soviet media propaganda penetrated society, idealizing the Communist teaching that Marxism would bring happiness and peace to all. Central to the Communist ideology was the idea that traditional religion must …
Read More »How Russia left Communism and embraced Russian Conservatism
We revisit professor Glenn Diesen’s book Russian Conservatism, which examines how Russia after a century of experimenting with communism and liberalism, has returned to its long conservative history, which dominated before 1917. The Cold War continues to dominate the West’s analysis and understanding of Russia. From 1917 to 1991, Russia was interpreted through the lens of communism, and since …
Read More »Atheism destroys Hope in the Human Soul warned Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
When Communism reigned with its iron fist in Russia, it was bent on destroying all religion. The very essence of the Communist ideology, which developed from Marxist theory, was to uproot traditional faith in God and its worldview, claiming that a godless, classless society would emerge once Conservative religious values were exterminated. Atheism destroys Hope: As the United States …
Read More »Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened
The West has, in recent years, bestowed upon itself an immense weight of suffering from financial crisis, lack of ethics, health and a variety of political crisis. Traditional values, respect for the elderly, tradition, the family and faith has been scrapped from the public narrative. Front and center is the atheist materialist world view that deems the physical dimension …
Read More »The Marxist mistake of denying the spiritual realm renders the West in spiritual poverty
Friederich Nietzsche is one of the founding fathers of the atheist revolt against the knowledge of God, famously proclaiming that “God is dead”. The result of the atheist nihilists’ work has been that the broad part of Westerners have been cut off from the spiritual source of inner peace. Nietzche probably would not have worded it that way, but …
Read More »Aleksandr Dugin and Western Totalitarian Liberalism
The most famous political philosopher in Russia, anti-communist, anti-Marxist Aleksandr Dugin, who recently gave an interview to Tucker Carlson, is well-known for pointing out that modern liberalism is the third wave of totalitarianism. Rather than ending totalitarianism, modern socialist liberalism, which developed with the rise of socialist movements that strongly opposed traditional values in the 20th century, continues the …
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