Tag Archives: Russia

TV interview: The demonization of Russia – Bjørn Nistad

Bjørn Ditlef Nistad, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Who benefits from the demonization of Russia and why do we need to have an outer enemy?  In this Herland Report program, we speak to doctor in Russian history and founder of the independent Russian Information Center in Norway, Bjørn Nistad, about the peculiar demonization against Russia that seem to permeate Western media outlets. What really is …

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Dishonest CNN says Russia Gate is not true, American public is stupid

Book Review: New Left Tyranny attacks neo-Marxism for destabilizing West, New Left Tyranny, Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report: Undercover tapings do serve to demonstrate the ideals behind the smokescreens in the media. Recently, a CNN producer, Jimmy Carr, was caught on tape by Veritas, describing the American public as “stupid as sh¤¤”. The undercover taping of what CNN producers are saying when off camera demonstrate the highly unethical attitudes. Another CNN producer, Bonifield, stated that …

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TV intervju: Demoniseringen av Russland er unyansert – Bjørn Nistad

Bjørn Ditlef Nistad, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Demoniseringen av Russland er unyansert: Kritikken mot Russland og mediebildet rundt Ukraina er overdrevet, politisert og unyansert, sier doktor i russisk historie, Bjørn Ditlef Nistad til Herland Report. Hvorfor har vi så lett for å demonisere andre land? Hvorfor ikke bidra til fred i verden og respekt for andre lands rett til suverenitet? Russlands president Putin karikeres …

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How to understand Western Conservative support for Putin

Putin-The-Atlantic Herland Report

  Herland Report: Vladimir Putin is a powerful ideological symbol and a highly effective ideological litmus test. He is a hero to populist conservatives around the world and anathema to progressives. Vladimir Vladimirovich is not the president of a feminist NGO. He is not a transgender-rights activist. He is not an ombudsman appointed by the United Nations to make and …

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Intervju om hvorfor President Putin er en av de største lederne i vår tid – Dagen

IHerland Report: Religion motivates people to love one another in a way that secularism cannot: ben Thranholm New Left TYranny Hanne Herland

  “Jeg tror Russlands president Putin vil fremstå, i historien, som en av vår tids største ledere. Jeg respekterer Putin blant annet for hans evne til å forstå hvor viktig kristendommen er som etisk fundament for å bygge en sterk kultur”, sier religionshistoriker, forfatter, TV produsent og leder for Herland Report til avisen Dagen. “Konservatismen og fokus på verdiene i …

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Hanne Nabintu Herland RT Worlds Apart: On the Arab Winter, Libya and endless wars

Hanne Nabintu Herland RT interview on RT: Herland Report

  Hanne Nabintu Herland RT interview: Interview with RT, one of the world’s largest news channels reaching around 700 million. Western “liberalism” is turning into an extreme-liberalism that pushes for authoritarianism in the West today. Free speech is increasingly shut down, as recently seen by the propaganda against Milo Yiannopolous at the University of Berkley and other places in the …

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White Helmets er et kynisk Al Qaida PR tiltak

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland intervju med Klassekampen om White Helmets, Syria: “Når jeg leser om organisasjonen Hvite Hjelmer i Dagbladet beskrives de som heltemodig lokalbefolkning som risikerer livet for å redde sivile ut av bombede ruiner. The Guardian mener de bør få Nobelprisen. Det samme har George Clooney. De hylles over hele verden. Hvorfor er du kritisk,” spør …

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US’ atrocities in the Middle East

The American collapse of traditional values: Herland Report

  Hanne Nabintu Herland: Robert McNamara eloquently warned in the documentary The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara against the US tendency to take part in civil wars by supporting one of the conflicting parties. He said that one is deemed to lose if this is the strategy. McNamara further stated that this was America’s biggest …

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