Tag Archives: saif al islam

Reported atrocities by Libyan National Army, Khalifa Haftar

General Haftar Libya Getty

What is ahead for the fate of Tripoli in the days ahead remains to be seen, but many Libyans seem to disagree with Western leaders who are embracing General Khalifa Haftar, who has ordered his soldiers to commit war crimes. This is according to The Guardian, and evidence that has been analysed by senior legal experts. Both Amnesty International and …

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Libia L’Indro: Saif al-Islam Gheddafi e le verità nel suo memorandum

Saif al Islam Gheddafi e le verità Sputnik

Saif al Islam Gheddafi e le verità: Domani in esclusiva per l’Italia le accuse del figlio del rais contro Occidente alleato a Golfo e Organizzazioni internazionalizzazione.  Il 23 ottobre Saif al Islam Gheddafi, figlio dell’ex rais della Libia, Muhammar Gheddafi, ha fatto diffondere un memorandum dal titolo: ‘Memorandum on Libya: fabbrications against the State, leadership and army’. Si tratta di …

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The ICC case against Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi should be dropped

  Before the uprising, Saif Al-Islam was the architect of the new Libya. He presented his new vision of Libya free of political prisons, committed to human rights charter, distribution of wealth, prosperity and democracy. He embarked on political and economic reforms in Libya whereby the radical Islamic prisoners gained their freedom, rehabilitated and engaged in the Libyan society. Once …

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Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to return to power – Hanne Herland interview L’Indro


  Herland Report:The whole Western ideology of US supremacy and “Western democracy to rule the whole world” is now on its death bed, as recently stated by UK Prime Minister Theresa May when meeting with Donald Trump. Interview by Giulia Di Marcantonio, L’Indro, 21.2.2017. Republished interview with the Italian newspaper L’Indro, the English version: In your opinion, the right solution for …

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Saif al-Islam appears to reenter Libyan politics

libya green square 1 july pro gaddafi rally

The Gaddafi’s appear to be back, including one of the most prominent, Saif al-Islam, the favourite son of the deposed Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi.  In a recent televised interview, Ghassan Salame, head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, said that the political reconstruction process “may include” Saif al-Islam, writes Middle East Eye. (Photo: The Telegraph) This is in …

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Hanne Nabintu Herland TV interview Libya24, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi

Libya 24 Hanne Nabintu Herland Saif al Islam Gaddafi

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland TV interview Libya24: The Libya24 interview on my analysis on the possible solution to the Libya crisis has now been shown on TV in Libya a number of times, reportedly from Libya24 with enthusiastic reviews and response. Only on “The Herland Report” Facebook the interview reached 1 million, with 12000 likes on the interviews and …

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LIBYA 24 TV intervju om Libya og Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi

Libya 24 Hanne Nabintu Herland Saif al Islam Gaddafi

Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland ble nylig intervjuet av Libya24, en av Libyas TV selskaper, som følge av hennes artikkel i Foreign Policy Journal som har gått verden rundt. TV programmet er vist på TV i Libya en rekke ganger, med betydelig respons. Det er tydelig at libyere føler på uretten knyttet til Saif Al Islam Gaddafi behandlingen og ICC …

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Saif al-Islam Gaddafi may Solve Libya Crisis – article published world wide

Russia and Wagner Group tried to bring Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to power in Libya: Saif al Islam Gaddafi Libya News Herland Report

  The Foreign Policy Journal article Could Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam Solve the Libya Crisis? is published today in a leading Libyan newspaper in Arabic. US President Donald Trump has a unique chance to fix the mess in Libya by backing Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam as head of state. Libya remains a dysfunctional state largely due to failed American policy. …

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NATOs Libya krig et av vår tids verste eksempler på overgrep

Herbert Marcuse and the New Left' strategy to silence the Majority: Hanne Herland

  NATOs krigføring og bidrag til folkemordet i Libya er et av vår tids verste eksempler på Vestens overgrep. I en rettferdig verden ville de politisk ansvarlige bli stilt for domstolen i Haag for forbrytelser mot menneskeheten. For NATO har i vår levetid gått fra å være en transatlantisk forsvarsallianse til en maktpolitisk angrepsallianse mot svake stater der Vestens interesser …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite