Tag Archives: The Herland Report

EXCLUSIVE interview with William Binney: Mass Surveillance State destroys Democracy

Interview with William (Bill) Binney: Our Totalitarian Democracy means end of Freedom, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with William Binney about mass surveillance of citizens, September 11, 9-11 and One World Order. Herland Report is pleased to release the first interview with former NSA director, William E. Binney. He is the co-founder of The Research Center at the National Security Agency’ headquarter in Maryland and senior whistleblower, – the original …

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Interview with Iben Thranholm: Russia is defender of Christian faith

Interview with Iben Thranholm: How ironic that Russia is the defender of Christian faith?

  Herland Report TV (HTV): How ironic that when the West leaves the Christian faith and demonizes its own cultural heritage, Russia rises as the defender of the Christian faith, says the Danish theologian, journalist, and queen of the MeToo movement in Denmark, Iben Thranholm. She speaks with the founder of Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland, about the erosion of values …

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Welcome to hundreds of new subscribers from all over the world!

Herland Report TV banner subscribe

  Herland Report: Recently, we have had a boom in subscribers, so thanks to all of you who subscribe to The Herland Report newsletter (subscribe) and info on our TV interviews with leading, Western intellectuals. It is remarkable to see all the names from all over the world who enjoy reading our material and appreciate our focus on topics that …

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Herland Report features leading intellectuals, authors, activists, reaching millions!

Hanne Nabintu Herland, Herland Report

  The Herland Report Scandinavian news site and TV channel on YouTube has millions of readers/viewers, featuring leading free thinkers, intellectuals, authors and activists on foreign policy, Western cultural decay, religion and the need for international justice and respect for national sovereignty.  The Herland Report believes in freedom of speech and its editorial policy resides above the traditional Left vs Right …

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Interview Milo Yiannopoulos: Why the New Left West hates Christians

The New Left West hates Christians: Milo Yiannopoulos on Hanne Nabintu Herland Report.

  The Herland Report TV (HTV): The New Left West hates Christians: “Christianity works as a bool work against tyranny, everywhere you look in the world”, says Milo Yiannopoulos in this exclusive short.  “If you look at the oppression of Christians in China, in the Middle-East and everywhere that tyranny is asserting itself, Christianity must be eradicated. Because Christianity is …

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Våre tall: 13.5 millioner leste artikler og sette programmer på ett år – Hanne Nabintu Herland

Herland Report tall: 13.5 millioner leste artikler og sette programmer:

  Herland Report: Herland Report tall: 13.5 millioner leste artikler og sette programmer: I Norge er redaktører, kommunikasjonsrådgivere og andre særdeles opptatt av diskusjoner rundt hvor mange «views», besøkende eller treff Herland Report har. Det samme gjelder steigan.no samt alternativer til de tabloide bloggportalene som VG og andre, der journalister i stor grad fungerer som påvirkningsagenter og kommunikasjonsformidlere på vegne …

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Subscribe to Herland Report News Site

Subscribe to Herland Report News Site:

  Subscribe to Herland Report News Site: Herland Report Scandinavian news site and TV channel on YouTube has millions of readers/viewers, featuring leading free thinkers, intellectuals, authors and activists on foreign policy, Western cultural decay, religion and the need for international justice and respect for national sovereignty. The Herland Report believes in freedom of speech and its editorial policy resides …

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The media stereotypes and vilifies groups #Arabs – Woodley Auguste

The media stereotypes and vilifies groups #Arabs - Woodley Auguste Herland Report

  The Herland Report TV: “With the media you can virtually inflict propaganda and it will sway thought,” says the founder of a U.S. based public relations and marketing consultancy, Woodley Auguste in this TV interview, featuring programs on the problems of racism and tribalism in America. Woodley Auguste is a seasoned professional with over 15 years experience, an American …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite