Tag Archives: twitter

The Dark Side of the Digital Revolution

Bill Gates Warns of the Next Pandemic: Bill Gates and Partners Took Control Over Covid-19: Reuters

  People love the digital revolution.  It allows them to work from home and avoid stressful commutes and office politics.  The young love their cell phones that connect them to the world. For writers the Internet offers, for now, a far larger audience than a syndicated columnist could obtain.  But while we enjoy and delight in its advantages, the tyranny inherent in the …

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Insouciance Destroyed America

Insouciance Destroyed America: Gerald Flurry

  Herland Report: Insouciance Destroyed America: Most Americans have no idea how far gone their country is. We not only have the Biden regime announcing solidarity with BLM and flying the BLM flag at US embassies and consular missions, US military recruitment videos stressing recruitment of lesbian females, men dressing as women, and Americans having their genitals removed so they can …

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Elon Musk: Almost every conspiracy theory about Twitter turned out to be true

Conspiracy theory about Twitter: Elon Musk and the release of the Twitter Files: HR

  From the beginning of the Covid panic, it felt that something was very wrong. Never had a pandemic, much less a seasonal pathogenic wave, been treated as a quasi-military emergency requiring the upending of all freedoms and rights.  Conspiracy theory about Twitter: What made it more bizarre was how alone those of us who objected felt until very recently …

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Twitter Files Matt Taibbi: The files show the FBI acting as doorman to a vast program of social media surveillance and censorship

Twitter Files Matt Taibbi: The Twitter Papers: Twitter

  The Twitter files, exposed by journalist Matt Taibbi and others, show the FBI acting as doorman to a vast program of social media surveillance and censorship, encompassing agencies across the federal government – from the State Department to the Pentagon to the CIA. The operation is far bigger than the reported 80 members of the Foreign Influence Task Force …

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Elon Musk and the Twitter Files demonstrates Twitter was an FBI subsidiary

Conspiracy theory about Twitter: Elon Musk and the release of the Twitter Files: HR

  As we learn more and more from the “Twitter Files,” it is becoming all too obvious that Federal agencies such as the FBI viewed the First Amendment of our Constitution as an annoyance and an impediment. Elon Musk and the Twitter Files: In Friday’s release from the pre-Musk era, journalist Matt Taibbi makes an astute observation: Twitter was essentially …

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The Twitter Papers Reveal the Totalitarians Among Us

Twitter Files Matt Taibbi: The Twitter Papers: Twitter

  The Twitter Papers: I admit to being skeptical of Elon Musk as a free speech hero. He has moved from one US government-subsidized business to another on his path to becoming the world’s richest person. But there is no denying that his release of the “Twitter Papers” this past weekend, which blew the lid off government manipulation of social …

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Fact Checker Propaganda: The Media taught us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism

Fact Checker Propaganda: Sharyl Attkinsson Getty

  Herland Report: Sharyl Attkisson says fact-checking is one part of the campaign to control what you see online, and therefore what you think and how you perceive reality. Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson explains how virtually everything you see and hear online has been co-opted, or taken over to serve a greater agenda. Instead of real journalists and reporters, the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite