Tag Archives: Values

The killing of the Western middle class

The killing of the Western middle class: Number 1 on Amazon: The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite. By Hanne Nabintu Herland.

  The ultra-rich profited immensely on the COVID-19 lockdowns. The world’s billionaires saw their wealth increase by $12.7 trillion or 42%. The richest 10 now possess more wealth than the poorest 40% of humanity combined, reports Oxfam. The killing of the Western middle class: Yet, what is the situation post Covid-19 for those who are not billionaires, who do not …

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The need for Metaphysical Reflection and Morality to foster Mental Health

Religious Revival in Russia: The Kiev Lavra Monastery complex has been the center for Christianity in Russia for centuries. CBN

  Metaphysical Reflection and Morality: The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates said that an unexamined life is not worth living. We need to question more, to study ancient wisdom, to acquire knowledge about the key to happiness and how we may fulfil the purpose of life. Socrates believed that each man has access to the truths of life, as they are …

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How the Left redefine History: Voltaire, hailed as apostle of tolerance was not tolerant at all

How the Left redefined History: Voltaire, hailed as apostle of tolerance was not tolerant at all

The elites that controls the media, the universities, and the publishing houses write history. They retell how we are to understand the past, redefining perspectives. How the Left redefine history: Since the Marxist groups began dominating the narrative in the West, history has been rewritten to fit a specific agenda: To demonize traditional values, precisely the ideals that made the …

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Why Western Values Underpin the World’s Best Countries

Cultural Superiority? The Christian contributions to Western culture: Equality, human dignity, rationality The Ancient Defenders of the West against Islam in Europe, new book by Raymond Ibrahim

  Elements of the left and their allies in the media are constantly driving this point home: White people are bad and so is the culture that they have created. Cultural Superiority? Everything we value as a society is bad and, more than that, little more than an ex post facto justification for the subjugation of non-whites. Western culture is white culture, and all …

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The Violent Defenders of the West by Raymond Ibrahim: Which values are we really fighting for?

Defenders of the West against Islam: by Raymond Ibrahim

  The Defenders of the West: Which values are we really fighting for? The historical virtues that once built a world-leading Western civilization or the atheist hedonist relativism that permeates Western thinking today? Which of these values hold the moral high ground? “He who occupies the high ground…will fight to advantage,” wrote the Chinese military strategist and mastermind, Sun Tzu …

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The Social Credit System is the Elite’s Means of Control

The Social Credit System: Getty

  The Social Credit System: Duff Cooper, Viscount Norwich, was the only British minister who resigned over the Munich Agreement of 1938.  His autobiography was titled Old Men Forget. I expect they do, but I remember. I remember when business, even large business, operated on handshakes without contracts.  Business could operate this way because people in those days had good character and …

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What is Neo-Marxism and why the hatred of traditional, Western values?

New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian Destruction of Our Way of Life explains how the neo-Marxist New Left turned their back on historical Western principles and became a destructive authoritarian force.

Herland Report: Neo-Marxism is the post World War II atheist, Leftwing ideology that came from post-NAZI Germany and gained ground at the Western universities in the 1960s. It is now destroying the West, tearing apart the very pillars of society that made the West a strong civilization. Its philosophers – who arguably have been the leading philosophers in the social sciences …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite