Tag Archives: Western civilization

The killing of the Western middle class

The killing of the Western middle class: Number 1 on Amazon: The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite. By Hanne Nabintu Herland.

  The ultra-rich profited immensely on the COVID-19 lockdowns. The world’s billionaires saw their wealth increase by $12.7 trillion or 42%. The richest 10 now possess more wealth than the poorest 40% of humanity combined, reports Oxfam. The killing of the Western middle class: Yet, what is the situation post Covid-19 for those who are not billionaires, who do not …

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American Education: Child Indoctrination to hate what made America great is killing the nation

Child Indoctrination: Aurora by Odd Nerdrum

  Child indoctrination: Seemingly overnight, a large segment of America has gone insane. We’re not talking about the culture of paranoia and safety that has metastasized in the wake of COVID-19 hysteria. We’re talking about the ideological shift, particularly on cultural issues, that has occurred since the start of the Obama Administration, writes Sam Jacobs, the lead writer and chief historian …

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Christmas and the empowerment of the individual

Christmas and the most significant person in history: jesus-is-born-Christmas-Herland-Report

  The empowerment of the individual is unique to Western civilization and a Christian thought, writes Dr. Paul Craig Roberts in one of his Christmas Specials. Christmas and the individual: The decorations and gifts of Christmas are one of our connections to a Christian culture that has held Western civilization together for 2,000 years. In our culture the individual counts. …

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Western Civilization Is Ceasing to Exist

Western World Is Now a Tyranny: Western Civilization Ceasing to Exist: USA-Paul-Craig-Roberts-Herland-Report-2019

  Herland Report: Western Civilization Ceasing to Exist: I often explain that we are losing civilization. The risks come from many sources.  Among them is the growing risk of nuclear war; the rising police state in which behavior protected by the Constitution is criminalized despite the Constitution; unity supplanted by a Tower of Babel; fomented race and gender hatreds that …

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Egoism and Greed creates Spiritual Poverty – and Hell on Earth

The Herland Report newsletter: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Sjokkmøte med intolerante nymarxister Herland Report

  Herland Report: Egoism creates spiritual poverty: A most desperate search for happiness and inner peace now seem to characterize the West, as we muddle through crisis after crisis, many pondering the meaning of life. Somehow, we seem to have collectively lost the healthy outlook on life that characterize those who are in a mental state of balance. We now solely …

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Marxists demonize the Bible to hide how Great the West used to be

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Jesus Christ golden mosaic, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Bible Viewpoint: In the West, two very different world views now collide: The historical, Judeo-Christian Civilization versus the Socialist New Left and Atheist push for a New World Order. Modern conservative thought has always discouraged bloody revolution and rather advised the implementation of thoughtful reform. Yet, the Marxist and Communist flair for revolution has now reached …

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Carl Korsnes on Brentano’s Four Phases of Philosophy: Are we Doomed?

Carl Korsnes on Brentano's Four Phases of Philosophy: Are we Doomed?Sivilisasjonen:, Cave of Apelles, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Cave of Apelles: Is there an inevitable cycle that civilization is doomed to repeat — merely reenacting the fall of Rome — or can we break free from it? The biggest hindrance to a rich culture is the rejection of empiricism. Today, you are supposed to just accept the narrative — a certain signifier of the mystic …

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Persecution: Churches burn all over France, 1000 vandalized in one year #HagiaSophia

Persecution: Churches burn all over France, 1000 churches vandalized in one year #HagiaSophia, AFP Herland Report

  Herland Report: As the Byzantine architectural masterpiece, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, Istanbul is turned into a mosque, the focus of Islamist intolerance against religious plurality is again in focus.  Hagia Sophia has been seen as a symbol of the secular nature of modern Turkey. With the dramatic change in the status of the original Orthodox Christian church, many view …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite