Tag Archives: white supremacy

Brutal killings and ethnic cleansing in South Africa? The Brendin Horner murder

Brutal killings and ethnic cleansing in South Africa continue / Brendin Horner, Herland Report

  Herland Report: As the Brendin Horner brutal killing in South Africa ignite rage over authorities not protecting white farmers and farmers produce D-Day for South Africa, racism against white farmers reach new high. “What happened in Senekal shows just how easily the tinderbox of race hatred can be ignited,” South Africa president, Cyril Ramaphosa said in his weekly message …

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Politidrapet på George Floyd, corona desperasjon, fattigdom og politiserte opptøyer i USA

Media Complicit in Mass Murders: George Floyd Killed Himself by drug overdose, read Medical Examiner's report: Police officer Chauvin did not kill him, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Politidrapet på George Floyd, corona desperasjon, fattigdom og politiserte opptøyer i USA: Politidrapet på George Floyd 25. mai førte kun til at politimennene som deltok mistet jobben. Først da opptøyene tok til, ble Derek Chauvin, som forårsaket Floyds død arrestert. Den 46 år gamle mannen, George Floyd døde etter at politimannen, Derek Chauvin i over åtte minutter …

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Identity Politics = White Genocide: Apartheid against Whites

White Genocide: Apartheid against Whites: South Africa

  White Genocide: Apartheid against Whites: The subversion of fact-based science and scholarship by the emotion-based ideology of Identity Politics is laying the groundwork for the genocide of white people. This sounds like an outlandish statement. However, it follows logically from the identification of white people with violence, oppression, and every evil in the world. In a number of columns …

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Anti-White America is the New Normal: The Covington Scandal

Liberal America's hate object number one: White, heter males.

  The Liberal progressive obsession with race – the idiotic notion that being right or wrong corresponds to a person’s skin color – is now also overflooding the Liberal West. It has been efficiently tried out in South Africa. Ever since Marxist ANC took over with Western help, racism against white citizens has exploded in the country. The Identity Politics’ …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite