Tag Archives: WND

Jens Stoltenberg NATO is now global attack force

NATO is now global attack force:

  NATO is now global attack force: The Norwegian NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg is sadly still in office and the very best puppet of the US Liberals, so good at parroting the wishes of the establishment that he recently was awarded an extended term – which is very rare. Most heads of NATO last maximum 5 years. Apparently the …

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Russia Gate goes down in history as a remarkable display of American stupidity

Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  In a Fort Russ News article, Hanne Herland writes: In case anybody wonders, we look like idiots to the Russians, not even being able to stop this embarrassing story of lies before. Judicial Watch’ president, Tom Fitton describes Russia Gate as a Deep State coup attempt, an ongoing mutiny against the people’s choice for President in the United States. …

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Shame of America: Russia Gate Hoax and Media Lies

Russia Gate Hoax and Media Lies Duran

   Are we nothing but conmen, eager to lie and defame one another, publicly displaying to the rest of the world the lack of national responsibility and accountability that permeates the current American establishment and especially the Democratic party? As it turns out, the whole Russia Gate and Russian Collusion story was a hoax that the mainstream media so willingly …

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CNN, all lies, year after year #RussianCollusion

TV Interview: Racial awareness weakens America - Woodley Auguste

  A Fox News headline read: “CNN fires back at Trump, stands by controversial story: ‘CNN does not lie.’” (Brian Flood, Aug. 30) Oh really? So, CNN does not lie, writes Mychal Massie, who is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. First published at WND. We know that the …

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Anti-White America: Covington High defamation lawsuit for 250 million dollars

Covington High defamation lawsuit:

  Covington High defamation lawsuit: Between the total collapse of the Covington Catholic story and the embarrassment of the Jussie Smollett hate hoax, 2019 has been a rough year for America’s embattled mainstream media. Now, the hostility toward these supposed guardians of democracy that provided some of the energy behind Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign is about to get its day …

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Anti-White America is the New Normal: The Covington Scandal

Liberal America's hate object number one: White, heter males.

  The Liberal progressive obsession with race – the idiotic notion that being right or wrong corresponds to a person’s skin color – is now also overflooding the Liberal West. It has been efficiently tried out in South Africa. Ever since Marxist ANC took over with Western help, racism against white citizens has exploded in the country. The Identity Politics’ …

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Media theatre designed to hide Trump’s economic progress

Donald Trump NBC

  Don’t let Democrats fool you, writes Adriana Cohen, the state of the union is strong. If you watched President Donald Trump deliver his annual State of the Union address this week, you can see why the left and its mouthpieces in media lob nonstop insults against him and trash-talk his administration. It’s to create a lot of noise and …

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Abortion produces Mass Immigration in the West as we need Workers

Abortion Holocaust causes Mass Immigration:

  Ireland felt the full force of the Liberal Progressive New Left a few years back, as the country was voting whether to keep its strict anti-abortion laws or not. After massive pressure to legalize abortions, Catholic Ireland finally followed the rest of Europe, writes historian and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland in her regular column at …

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The new Libya: The return of a Gadhafi?

Saif al Islam Gaddafi Liberation

Just as the Syria war did not end with ISIS capturing Damascus, the events in Libya equally have taken an unexpected turn as Dr. Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, the son of Col. Moammar Gadhafi, is a political candidate in the presidential election. (Photo: Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, Libya News) His candidacy is supported by large segments within the Libyan people and viewed …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite