Tag Archives: WND

Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom and how the West is returning to Feudalism

Alarm av Hanne Nabintu Herland: Foto TV2

  Elon Musk recently suggested the reading of the 1944 book by Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom. Hayek was one of the 1900s most influential economists. His ground breaking work lay the foundation for a deeper philosophical and economic understanding of the dystopian nature of socialism. The book describes why it is so important to understand the totalitarian traits …

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Resist the Radical calls for revolution and destruction of society, says Edmund Burke

Edmund Burke: On Conservatism, Liberalism and Opposition to the Socialist State

  The English philosopher, Edmund Burke (1729-1797) was one of Great Britain’s most important politicians and philosophers. He is described by many as the founder of modern conservatism and spent much of his life explaining why it is important to maintain Europe’s political and moral philosophical traditions, precisely those which made the West such a great civilization. Burke spoke passionately …

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Will Marxist hatred for the West Finally Cancel America?

Brutally Ruthless Marxism: A study of Karl Marx: Herland Report

  Did Karl Marx really aim to help the working class or simply to replace one ruling class with another – the Marxist tyrants? Will Marxist hatred for the West Finally Cancel America? As drug abuse, social upheaval and lack of national unity engulf the United States, many ask where things went so horribly wrong. This is the end result …

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The erosion of liberty and tyrannical rise of groupthink: Raymond Ibrahim lauds Hanne Herland’s Amazon Bestseller Nr. 1 “The Billionaire World”

Number 1 on Amazon: The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite. By Hanne Nabintu Herland.

  What is ultimately behind so many of the (manufactured) ills currently plaguing the West, from leftist lunacy and gender insanity, to unnecessary lockdowns and wars? In a word, the ultra-rich – the billionaire elite. In a series of brisk chapters, Herland — a historian of religions and founder of The Herland Report — traces all the world’s major problems back …

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Marxist icon Herbert Marcuse and the Authoritarian Strategy to silence opposition

Herbert Marcuse and the New Left' strategy to silence the Majority: Hanne Herland

  Repression of free speech, tolerance and respect for plurality has become the trademark of the New Left’ desire to silence the Majority. Thinkers like Herbert Marcuse, the father of the student revolution in the 1960’s, speaks openly in A critique of pure tolerance about the need to oppress the views of the conservatives and others who are critical of their ideology, …

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The Cloward Piven Strategy: Western Marxist intellectuals are the useful idiots to speed up the fall of capitalism by manufacturing crisis

The Cloward Piven Strategy: Western Marxist intellectuals are the useful idiots to speed up the fall of capitalism by manufacturing crisis

  Columbia University and many prominent American educational facilities have been cesspools for Marxist radicalization for generations. The Marxist idea has long been to orchestrate revolutions that, in time, will kill capitalism and the classic freedoms of the West. Columbia university professors Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven with Bill Clinton. The Cloward Piven Strategy:  When the capitalist system crumbles …

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The search for meaning beyond Materialism

The Declining West: The search for meaning beyond Materialism. Hanne Nabintu Herland

  In the West, many now search for the meaning of life but fail to reach the inner awakening and peace the generations before us spoke of. We live in a culture where depression, loneliness, drugs and hedonism dominate. There is little or no reverence for the values that once made the West a strong civilization. The spiritual knowledge that …

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The unbelievable stupidity of “culturally Christian” Richard Dawkins

The unbelievable stupidity of “culturally Christian” Richard Dawkins BBC

  Dr. Richard Dawkins has spent his life tearing down the belief in the cultural Christian values that have been the pillars of strength in Western civilization. He has been one of those white male, atheist fundamentalist intellectuals who have – with remarkable passion – belittled, bullied, rampantly attacked Christianity and its reverence of God in the complexity of nature, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite