Tag Archives: world economic forum

The Death of Davos?

Death of Davos? Getty

  Herland Report: Death of Davos? Gone are the glory days when the World Economic Forum’s annual conference in the Swiss Alps perfectly captured the optimism and hype of the post-Cold War era of globalization. Today, the mood is decidedly darker, requiring a more clear-eyed perspective on what, if anything, can be salvaged from the recent past. Now that we …

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A Leap Toward Humanity’s Destruction: The Power Game to Control Everything?

The Power Game to Control Everything: Wellcome Trust, AP

  Herland Report: The Power Game to Control Everything: The Wellcome Trust, which has arguably been second only to Bill Gates in its ability to influence events during the COVID-19 crisis and vaccination campaign, launched its own global equivalent of the Pentagon’s secretive research agency last year, officially to combat the “most pressing health challenges of our time.” Though first conceived …

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Heart Myocarditis rise 133 times after Covid Vaccination

Massive excess deaths following vaccination: PCR Test is Flawed: Myocarditis rise Covid Vaccination: Reuters

  Herland Report: Myocarditis rise after Covid Vaccination: A recent study published on January 25, 2022, on JAMA Network, has shown that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccination is around 133 times greater than the background risk in the population. The study, conducted by researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as well as from several …

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The World Economic Forum Great Reset leaders listed

The most dangerous man: Billionaire wealth exploded during Covid-19: World Economic Forum Great Reset: Klaus Schwab

  Herland Report: World Economic Forum Great Reset: The German Club of Clear Words takes a deep dive into the network of individuals and organizations responsible for the COVID scam. Whether blatantly visible or not, you can identify just about any network by connecting dots between individuals and organizations. Who’s working with whom, where, and why? Who’s paying whom? And …

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Revealed: Who is in the Young Global Leaders World Economic Forum system

Young Global Leaders World Economic Forum: AP

  Herland Report: Young Global Leaders World Economic Forum: Through its Young Global Leaders program, the World Economic Forum has been instrumental in shaping a world order that undermines all democratic principles.  For several decades, this program has nurtured compliant leaders acting as WEF agents in governments around the world. The consequences are far-reaching and may turn out to be devastating for humanity, …

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The Great Reset comes to Canada Trucker Convoy protesters: Full fledged Totalitarian Financial Warfare

  Herland Report: As Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is the first Western leader to evoke a full fledged totalitarian financial warfare on the country’s citizens who dare to protest mandatory vaccination, the nation gets a feel as to how it is to live in a brutal dictatorship. The Canadian Emergencies Act gives the government unprecedented non-constitutional rights to freeze …

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The Billionaire Rulers of the West: Obsessed with Transhumanism and Postgenderism

Control global health: Bill Gates CEO Magazine Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Rulers of the West: Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, Hillary Clinton, Klaus Schwab, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Elon Musk… and the mega-billionaires/trillionaires some whose names we do not know — push the postgenderist movement, a subset of transhumanism. A reasonably concise definition and description of postgenderism is found on Wikipedia, see link. “Postgenderism is a social, political and …

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Few Discuss the Massive Corona Redistribution of Wealth #ElonMusk #BillGates

Elon Musk: People will be super unhappy with High Tech arbiter of free speech: AP

  Herland Report: Few discuss the massive corona redistribution of wealth, but Corona virus makes billionaires’ fortune soar with massive profits. Corona gives big profit for the ultra-rich. Elon Musk is rated the richest man in the world, second only to Jeff Bezos – whose fortune also has rocketed during Corona. Bill Gates, whom Musk recently called a “knucklehead” is …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite