Tag Archives: World Net Daily

The French Revolution brought anarchy and destruction to France – Edmund Burke

Edmund Burke Conservative Disdain for Revolutions

  Herland Report: In today’s Democrat narrative, history is steadily twisted to fit the Liberal agenda. The aim is to move Western values further away from its historical roots and – as in the Communist pursuit, quench religion and traditional faith all together.   We shall therefore take a closer look at another revolution which in France caused anarchy and civil …

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Few Discuss the Massive Corona Redistribution of Wealth #ElonMusk #BillGates

Elon Musk: People will be super unhappy with High Tech arbiter of free speech: AP

  Herland Report: Few discuss the massive corona redistribution of wealth, but Corona virus makes billionaires’ fortune soar with massive profits. Corona gives big profit for the ultra-rich. Elon Musk is rated the richest man in the world, second only to Jeff Bezos – whose fortune also has rocketed during Corona. Bill Gates, whom Musk recently called a “knucklehead” is …

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Free Speech is Enemy in Totalitarian West now

NEW LEFT TYRANNY, new book by Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: The mainstream media seems to desire the shut-down of free speech and diversity of opinion, pulling the “Fake News” card on those who don’t quite see the world from the CNN angle. And it is worrying when over 90 % of the US media is owned by only 6 corporations. It is very easy to manufacture consent …

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Leftist ignorance and Polarization in Politics

Opprøret mot de kulturradikale: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of Herland Report

  The US assassination of General Qassem Soleimani has illustrated quite well how little many in the West know about the realities on the ground in the various Middle Eastern countries. There is a rampant black and white polarization in Politics. The killing was instantly politicized domestically by Democrats, as if yet another reason to “remove Trump” in the ongoing …

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Jesus is King Kanye West is a Full Frontal Attack on Liberal Tyranny

Kanye West on Ellen Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: Kanye West new album Jesus is King is a full frontal rebellion against the Liberal and hedonist Tyranny we currently face in the West. Let me predict he will be hated and scorned in the mainstream media and loved by the public. He could not have possibly embarked on a worse revolt against the current nihilist culture that …

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Democrats support drug cartels on the Southern border?

drug cartels on the Southern border: hillary-clinton-Getty

  Herland Report: Drug cartels on the Southern border: In a series of articles, we examine the puzzle: Why does the media discourage president Trump’s fight against the illegal activity along US borders? Who profits from open borders if not the American drug cartels whose criminal activity is dependent on illegal access to the US? Who profits the human trafficking? …

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Libya in ruins, yet NATO Jens Stoltenberg would gladly crush Libya again

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg would gladly crush Libya again

  The 2011 war on Libya led to a failed state, civil war, al-Qaida militia control, 3 million refugees and massive persecution of black Libyans. Yet, Libya under Moammar Gadhafi was Africa’s richest country, a middle-income nation with free health care and free education for both men and women. In 2007, then-President George W. Bush hailed Gadhafi as an example of good …

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Shame of America: Russia Gate Hoax and Media Lies

Russia Gate Hoax and Media Lies Duran

   Are we nothing but conmen, eager to lie and defame one another, publicly displaying to the rest of the world the lack of national responsibility and accountability that permeates the current American establishment and especially the Democratic party? As it turns out, the whole Russia Gate and Russian Collusion story was a hoax that the mainstream media so willingly …

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CNN, all lies, year after year #RussianCollusion

TV Interview: Racial awareness weakens America - Woodley Auguste

  A Fox News headline read: “CNN fires back at Trump, stands by controversial story: ‘CNN does not lie.’” (Brian Flood, Aug. 30) Oh really? So, CNN does not lie, writes Mychal Massie, who is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. First published at WND. We know that the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite