Current Affairs

European surge in anti-Semitism: The heritage from Marxism #Israelophobia

European surge in anti-Semitism: The heritage from National Socialism: Herland Report

  Herland Report: European surge in anti-Semitism: The heritage from National Socialism: As the pre-war caricatures of Jews again permeate Europe, historian Hanne Nabintu Herland ponders why Marxists and Socialist always seem to dislike the Jews and Israel. With the current Covid-19 financial crisis, it is likely that racism against Jews will be revived, as desperation, social dislocation, social unrest, …

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Nancy Pelosi ice cream talk shows Democrat elite perspective while millions suffer

Nancy Pelosi ice cream talk demonstrates Democrat elite perspective: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Nancy Pelosi ice cream talk demonstrates Democrat elite perspective: The “Late Late Show with James Corden” featuring Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi has sent shock waves across the internet. Pelosi smilingly sits in front of her $24,000 fridges, talking about candy and gourmet ice cream while the nation struggles in a massive national emergency. While the …

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World Medical Association med krass kritikk av WHO, mens Solberg forsvarer

The WHO to claim sole global authority: World Medical Association med kraftig kritikk av WHO, mens Solberg forsvarer: Getty

  Herland Report: World Medical Association med kraftig kritikk av WHO, mens Erna Solberg forsvarer: WHO møter krass kritikk for politisering fra ti millioner leger i World Medical Assosiation, skriver Financial Times, en av verdens mest anerkjente aviser. Herland Report skrev først om dette dagen før President Trump gikk ut med sin rasende kritikk av WHO. To dager etter var …

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Corona skandalen: Solberg lydig tjener til milliardær Bill Gates og hans nettverk?

  Herland Report:  Regjeringen Solberg er lydige tjenere for verdens nest rikeste mann, Bill Gates? Er regjeringen Bill Gates slaver? Det kan se ut til at føydalismen gjeninnføres under nåværende regjering. Corona skandalen: Regjeringen Solberg er lydige tjenere til Bill Gates? Er det Norges folk og dets interesser, arbeiderne, bedriftslederne, skattebetalerne som tjenes eller styrtrike oligarker som leker pandemieksperter for …

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Privateide Schibsted og mediene får milliardstøtte #Covid-19? Hva med Petter Stordalen?

  Herland Report: Privateide Schibsted og mediene får milliardstøtte, hva med Petter Stordalen? Regjeringen Solberg hjelper private medieeiere og betaler deres inntektstap som følge av Corona? Vi antar Petter Stordalen også vil motta støtte til å dekke sitt inntektstap, samt alle andre private investorer innen ulike bransjer. Krisen kom som kjent ikke på grunn av dårlig marked eller ledelse, men …

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Seasonal flu kills many more than Covid-19, yet nobody talks about it

Canada: Tens of thousands march in protest against Corona Tyranny, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Seasonal flu kills many more than Covid-19:  The media seems to only report Covid-19 related deaths, but do not compare these numbers with regular seasonal influenza. If that was done, everyone would see that regular influenzas kill many more than Covid-19 so far has done. 650 000 people die yearly of a regular influenza, according to the …

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Corona death counts not correct: Hospitals list COVID-19 as Cause of Death based on assumption

Double Jabbed die at rate Six Times higher than Unvaccinated: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Corona death counts not necessarily correct: The Coronavirus crisis took the US by storm, spiking unemployment and crashing the stock market virtually over night. The media is bombarding Americans around the clock with updates on the death count, highlighting death maps and scaring people into, writes Cristina Laila, first published at Gateway Pundit. Governors are forcing small …

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WHO Tedros A. Ghebreyesus is China’s man to push West to destroy itself? #Corona

Ghebreyesus is China's man Herland Report, CNN

  Herland Report: WHO leader Tedros A. Ghebreyesus is China’s man to push the West to destroy itself as frantic Corona panic crushes Western economies? We are in the worst financial crisis in modern history caused by the fear of a Corona virus, writes historian of comparative religions, bestselling author and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland. [pullquote]As …

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Trade War: China won Corona battle and will gain post Covid-19 frenzy

China’s Post-Pandemic Economic Growth: Valutainment

  Herland Report: China won this battle and will gain post Corona frenzy: We are in the middle of a US-China trade war, which China is winning. Just watch the Corona frenzy. “Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting,” says the Chinese military genius, Sun Tzu. In the West, nations trust the WHO numbers, reporting the Chinese …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite