Current Affairs

Ny-marxismens 68er feminisme ødela kvinnedagen, sier Hanne Nabintu

Ny-marxismens kvinnefiendtlige 68er feminisme ødela kvinnedagen - Hanne Nabintu Steffen Aaland

Herland Report: Ny-marxismens kvinnefiendtlige 68er feminisme ødela kvinnedagen: Kvinnedagen ble ødelagt av den ny-marxistiske, kvinnefiendtlige 1968’er feminismen som innbiller kvinnen at hun er svak, diskriminert og hatet av menn. Studentrevolusjonen på 1960-tallet førte til den kulturadikale bølgen som hater alt som heter tradisjonelle europeiske verdier. Dens ledere foreskrev diskriminering av majoriteten som middel for å kue nasjonen til lydighet under …

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Marxist ANC Racist Violence Against White South Africans Ignored

ANC Racist Violence Against White South Africans: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Helen Raleigh: ANC Racist Violence Against White South Africans: The more radical wing of South Africa’s ruling party has long pressured its leaders to redistribute wealth from the white minority to the black majority in any way they can. They’ve begun that process, violently. White farmers in South Africa face an existential threat, yet the governments of …

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Mobilstråling og immunforsvar: svikter i analyser – Einar Flydal svikter i sine analyser: Mobilstråling

  Herland Report: svikter i analyser: journalistene Silje S. Skiphamn, Morten Langfeldt Dahlback og Mina Liavik Karlsen serverte oss nylig sin undersøkelse av påstanden «Mobilstråling påvirker immunforsvaret slik at man lettere får influensa.» Ved å ringe til Strålevernet og Folkehelseinstituttet fant raskt ut at denne påstanden var «faktisk helt feil«. sjekket saken ved å ringe til Lars …

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Billionaires’ child soldier Greta Thunberg versus climate-realist Naomi Seibt

Finally comes climate-realist Naomi Seibt: Greta Thunberg George Soros Herland Report

  Herland Report: Finally comes climate-realist Naomi Seibt: OK, we get it. Billionaires use rich, white child soldiers like Greta Thunberg to push for divestment in world energy, to profit by the billions once the energy shortage sets in. This is Wall Street 2020. Cunning strategies, manipulations, questionable derivatives, shorting and market speculation is king. Some suggest that the Climate …

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TV interview: Heartbreaking humanitarian tragedy Libya

Heartbreaking humanitarian tragedy in Libya. Herland Report Linda Ulstein

  Herland Report TV, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Linda Ulstein ait Arezki, about the heartbreaking humanitarian tragedy in Libya post 2011 NATO. We address Saadi Gaddafi, Safia Farkash, Aisha Gaddafi, Hannibal Gaddafi and the heartbreaking fate of the family of the late Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi. Watch here. Mme. Ulstein: “Thank you for giving me the chance to raise …

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US and NATO in Iraq is All About the Oil

US and NATO in Iraq is All About the Oil:

  Herland Report: US and NATO in Iraq is All About the Oil: Many do the mistake of believing without thinking what they read in the leading newspapers. For example, that NATO is now engaged in Iraq to “protect civilians”. The safest bet when analyzing which news are cover-ups is to follow the money. Who gains economically from US or …

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NORWAC humanitær hjelp blir politisk middel, Trond Ali Linstad

NORWAC humanitær hjelp blir politisk part i krig: Idlib-crisis-Turkey-Syria-PBS

  Herland Report: NORWAC humanitær hjelp blir politisk part i krig: Det har lenge vært en trend at hjelpeorganisasjoner brukes politisk i den geostrategiske kampen om ressursene i Midtøsten. Utviklingen er mildt sagt uheldig, da politiseringen fratar de humanitære organisasjonene legitimitet. Dersom det å hjelpe de nødlidende på begge sider av en konflikt for å hjelpe sivile på tvers av …

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Trump State of the Union Speech: Massive Economic Progress

Business-SOTU Trump State of the Union:

  Herland Report: Trump State of the Union: “Three years ago, we launched the great American comeback. Tonight, I stand before you to share the incredible results.” “Jobs are booming, incomes are soaring, poverty is plummeting, crime is falling, confidence is surging, and our country is thriving and highly respected again. America’s fortunes are on the rise and the America’s …

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Massive US Economic boost under Trump, media silent #Blacks

Coup against Trump Fails Reuters

  Herland Report:  Massive US Economic boost under Trump: The mainstream media are remarkably quiet about it, refusing to address president Donald Trump’s record breaking economy, ahead of the State of the Union Address.  All we have heard about from CNN the past years, has either been “Russia Gate” or more recently “Impeachment”. Apparently it does not matter to the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite