Current Affairs

Bompengepartiet illustrerer politikerforakten, større enn AP i Bergen

Lars Rønbeck Hanne Herland Report

  Herland Report: Avdemokratiseringen som ligger i at lobbygrupper og markedskrefter i for stor grad preger politikken og politiske avgjørelser, har lenge vært et økende problem i Vesten generelt. Dette er et av tegnene på at noe er fundamentalt galt med parlamentarismen vår og viser at folkemeningen ikke er så viktig lenger for politikere. De har andre og mer viktige …

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Selfishness and nihilism permeates the West, inevitable destruction ahead

Atheist Emptiness: Herland Report

  Western culture is now characterized by a remarkably strong nihilism, the moral philosophy that claims that there is no higher meaning to life than selfish pleasures. The conversion to agnosticism by Hillsong’s leader Marty Sampson and author Joshua Harris, demonstrate how “Christian communities” are following the same nihilism trends as society in general, writes historian and author, Hanne Herland …

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Einar Salvesen: Jeg fikk sjokk over hva jeg så i barnevernet

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Å samtale med klinisk psykolog og en av landets viktigste varslere, Einar Salvesen om norsk barnevern er en skremmende erfaring. Vi lever i en stat med en regjering som ikke på langt nær tar problemene i barnevernet på alvor. Salvesen sier: “Jeg hadde aldri trodd at dette som jeg har vært vitne til kunne …

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Erik Selle: Norway is ruled under New Left Control, not a Free and Open Country

Erik Selle, PDk

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Erik Selle about Norway, lack of free speech, the totalitarian Left and its desire to quench individual freedom and plurality. “Norway has a very large government structure, yet we are a very small country. The government is financing its own institutions, the media and the NGOs. Norway is not free and open, …

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Authoritarian control on Facebook: How to ruin your own empire

Facebook ill.

  Herland Report: Tolerance by definition signifies respect for disagreement. Wildly diverging opinions mark a tolerant debate where all the pieces of information are discussed. Freedom of speech implies maximum tolerance for a variety of viewpoints. But not among the modern day Liberal Left. They detest freedom and have implemented the totalitarian clampdown on both tolerance and free speech. The movement …

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People do not realize how close America is to collapse – Gerald Flurry

Insouciance Destroyed America: Gerald Flurry

  America’s government has never been so awash in scandal. Fresh stories of allegations, accusations and investigations are coming so fast that many Americans are tuning out most of it. But the drama unfolding in Washington today is something you cannot afford to ignore. We are witnessing a government—and a nation—on the verge of collapse. In fact, all this shocking …

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The unattainable dream of free and fair elections in Libya

free and fair elections in Libya Libyan flag Gaddafi Herland Report

  There is a dream for many in so-called third world countries, that the Western form of democracy will lead to “free and fair elections in Libya,” also in the traditionally more authoritarian ruler region. They hope that the Western system will bring development and civil liberties to their population. This is, of course, a very naive perseption. Africa should …

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Gay Pride Hedonisme promoteres som livsform, Trond Ali Linstad

Gay Pride Hedonisme promoteres

  Herland Report: I land som Norge er kritikk mot de som betegner seg som homofile – rundt 1 % av befolkningen – så godt som forbudt. Som kjent viste den omfattende SSB undersøkelsen noen år tilbake at rundt 1 % sier at de er homofile. Rundt 1.2 % oppga at de var bifile. 1,2 prosent av befolkningen i alderen …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite