Current Affairs

Sexual desire, spontaneity and responsive sex – Maureen McGrath

  Herland Report on responsive sex: When we think about sexual desire, we think about being ready to hop in the sack at a moment’s notice. This is what we see in the movies. We associate sex and sexual desire with spontaneity. Spontaneous desire occurs in men about 75% of the time and in women only about 15% of the …

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Greta Thunberg is decoy, Fossil Free groups funded by Big Oil billionaires

Greta Thunberg is decoy Newsweek Getty Herland Report

  Herland Report: Greta Thunberg is decoy. The public child abuse in using Greta Thunberg to push the Fossil Free campaign to end investments in oil and gas world-wide, has far wealthier sponsors than local Swedish businessmen such as Ingmar Renzhog and Bo Thorén. The billion dollar climate-change industry is hyped up for a reason. [pullquote]George Soros investments in oil …

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BREXIT comes because the EU forgot to defend Europeans

Påskens budskap, Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: The EU forgot to defend Europeans: The main mistake of the EU has been that its leaders forgot to defend the interests of the people. They forgot to defend their own. The EU leadership has scorned traditional European values, belittled Europe’s historical greatness and its past, forgotten about the European workers, left European culture to die silently. …

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Ledende medier var hovedkilde til Fake News 2011

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Who owns the Federal Reserve? Herland Report

  Ledende medier hovedkilde til Fake News: Ledende medier var viktigste leverandører av Fake News i 2011. Man hyllet “den arabiske våren” som notorisk ledet til at sekulære, islam-liberale ledere ble fjernet og radikale islamister og sunni-ekstremister tok makten i land etter land i Midtøsten. Mediene var propagandakanaler til støtte for radikale ekstremisters verdensbilde. Man ble islamistenes største hjelpere. Den …

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Adam Schiff history of inaccuracies, mess, conspiracy

Adam Schiff history of inaccuracies Millions watch Herland Report TV. Subscribe:

Herland Report: Adam Schiff history of inaccuracies: Liberal media have bathed the California Democrat in praise. A CNN analyst called him “dazzling.” A Washington Post reporter tweeted that his trial argument to convict President Trump was one for the ages. Conservatives take a decidedly different view. They wonder on social media why a congressman who floated unproven conspiracies and a …

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Nancy Pelosi explains how Democrats smear and lie as Strategy to suppress opponents

Nancy-Pelosi-Shutterstock Herland Report

  The political civil war in the United States steadily puts the corruption within the Democratic Party forefront. American corruption on State level is now so obvious that leading intellectuals, openly speak of attempted coup d’etat in America. The impeachment hearings in Congress have revealed that Nancy Pelosi allegedly swore to “impeach the President” the very moment Trump was elected, that …

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The New West 2020: Paul Craig Roberts New Year Column

An upcoming Kristallnacht For White Americans, asks Paul Craig Roberts, Herland Report

  Herland Report: I am encouraged by the return year after year of readers and donors to the website and to the steady growth of readership. During 2019 the website had 2.5 million unique visitors who made almost 5 million visits. That number is a fraction of the total readership as my columns are posted on many other websites and individual …

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NY BOK: Hva er geopolitikk og hvordan styres verden? Intervju med Bjørn Nistad

Bjørn Nistad Herland Geopolitikk Report

  Herland Report: Kunnskap om geopolitikk er viktigere enn noen gang. For eksempel, på grunn av at Midtøsten har betydelige naturressurser og olje, har den geopolitiske kampen de siste tiårene handlet om kampen om ressursene i Midtøsten. I våre aviser får vi høre at Midtøsten konfliktene handler om “terrorister som må bekjempes”. Og dette er intet nytt. Fra tidenes morgen …

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How the Son of Betlehem, Jesus Christ transformed the world

  Herland Report: Jesus Christ transformed the world: Born in a manger, far from society leaders and presidential palaces, the symbolism of Jesus’ birth carries oceans of hope for those less fortunate. And for the rich: he was worshipped by Eastern astrologers who found his star and brought their wealth to lay down at his feet. And this was his …

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Christianity is the most Persecuted Religion in the World

Jesus lived in a police state, much like America today - John Whitehead Herland Report

  While you might have seen a decrease in mainstream media reporting regarding Christian persecution, there has only been an increase in the persecution taking place against Christians around the world. According to the Gatestone Institute, persecution of Christians by extremist groups and individuals is continuing to climb, as the persecution has become more systematic than random. A few weeks ago, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite