
5G Corona and Influenza, Norway case: Could there be a connection?

The total disappearance of Seasonal Influenza world wide in 2020? Herland Report

  Herland Report:  5G Corona and Influenza: It is a serious matter for Faktisk.no to launch irresponsible claims, stating that “cell phone radiation cannot influence the immune system and create vulnerability for influenza”, when there is scientific basis to claim that it can, writes Einar Flydal in the article below. Faktisk.no did just that, an enterprise of Norwegian journalists established to …

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Paul C. Roberts: The Culture War: Fascinating explanation of the organized destruction of Western civilization

The Culture War. How the West lost its Greatness. Paul Craig Roberts

  Herland Report:The Culture War: Fascinating explanation of the organized destruction of Western civilization: Just as capitalism won the battle as the ruling economic model, the extreme liberals won the social revolution in the West. Radical new elites have broken down historical values in order to create a new world order with new sets of ethics. They have pushed for …

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US and NATO in Iraq is All About the Oil

US and NATO in Iraq is All About the Oil:

  Herland Report: US and NATO in Iraq is All About the Oil: Many do the mistake of believing without thinking what they read in the leading newspapers. For example, that NATO is now engaged in Iraq to “protect civilians”. The safest bet when analyzing which news are cover-ups is to follow the money. Who gains economically from US or …

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Trump State of the Union Speech: Massive Economic Progress

Business-SOTU Trump State of the Union:

  Herland Report: Trump State of the Union: “Three years ago, we launched the great American comeback. Tonight, I stand before you to share the incredible results.” “Jobs are booming, incomes are soaring, poverty is plummeting, crime is falling, confidence is surging, and our country is thriving and highly respected again. America’s fortunes are on the rise and the America’s …

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Medieledere sitter fast i 1968, evner ikke analysere nåtiden #Trump #Brexit

Conservative National Values Resurrection: DailyNewsMax-donald-Trump-state-of-the-union-pelosi

Herland Report: Medieledere sitter fast i 1968, evner ikke analysere nåtiden: Donald Trump’s State of the Union tale vektla den massive økonomiske veksten i USA. USA har  laveste arbeidsledighet på 50 år, høyeste levestandardøkning på mange år, hundretusenvis ut av fattigdom, laveste arbeidsledighet for svarte på tiår, handelsavtale med Kina. Med rekordhøy oppslutning om presidenten på 49 %, sier det …

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BREXIT comes because the EU forgot to defend Europeans

Påskens budskap, Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: The EU forgot to defend Europeans: The main mistake of the EU has been that its leaders forgot to defend the interests of the people. They forgot to defend their own. The EU leadership has scorned traditional European values, belittled Europe’s historical greatness and its past, forgotten about the European workers, left European culture to die silently. …

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Belmarsh Prison Inmates Help Julian Assange

Belmarsh Prison Inmates Help Julian Assange Julian-Assange-Ruptly-Catelyn-Johnston

  Herland Report: Julian Assange: For quite some time, the news of Julian Assange has been that he is a dying man inside the Belmarsh Prison, UK. Reports have indicated that doctors are refused to treat him, that his health is rapidly deteriorating. In 2010, Julian Assange was hailed as “man of the year” by the mainstream media. The Wikileaks files …

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Remarkable Democrat Show: Impeachment of a President for wanting to stop Corruption

Donald Trump Reuters

  Herland Report: The ongoing political civil war in the United States, and attempted coup against the duly elected president, Donald Trump steadily puts the corruption within the Democratic Party forefront.   American corruption on State level is now so obvious that leading intellectuals internationally speak of attempted coup d’etat in America. Herland Report have had numerous articles, interviews and …

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Libya Militia Prisons hold thousands unlawfully # Saadi Gaddafi

Libya 2019 Reuters BBC

  Exclusive to Herland Report, the Libyan National People’s Movement analysis of the situation inside Libya, actualized by ICC overturning Saif al-Islam Gaddafi case to Libya, as Libya Militia Prisons hold thousands of prisoners unlawfully. The international intervention in Libya destroyed the State, including but not limited to, all military and security institutions, local and central government authorities and, the …

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ISIS brides: Al Qaida – ISIS affiliated were our allies #Norway

ISIS brides UK Express

  Herland Report: In Norway, FRP left the coalition government on Monday, Jan. 20th, citing “the last drop” was the Conservative Government’s decision to take back from Syria the ISIS brides-wives. We hereby congratulate FRP on the decision. But questions remain: Why do we still continue to pretend that Al Qaida and ISIS were not our allies? Official DIA reports …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite