The elites that controls the media, the universities, and the publishing houses write history. They retell how we are to understand the past, redefining perspectives. How the Left redefine history: Since the Marxist groups began dominating the narrative in the West, history has been rewritten to fit a specific agenda: To demonize traditional values, precisely the ideals that made the …
Read More »The Golden Mean as the recipe for Mental Health
To log off computers and shut down the constant distraction of social media, and simply sit still in the serenity of a silent room and reflect upon one’s life, can bring more mental health than most think. The recipe for Mental Health: It is most rewarding to engage in philosophical thought on existential topics: What is the meaning of …
Read More »Brutally Ruthless Marxism: A study of Karl Marx, founder of Communism and Socialism
Karl Marx (1818-1883) prescribed bloody revolution and the total destruction of modern society as the path to a better future. Brutally Ruthless Marxism: A study of Karl Marx: Only after society as we know it was destroyed, a utopian, godless classless society would descend upon the earth in a system where traditional morality and code of honor was abolished. …
Read More »The Marxist Liberal Tyranny of Feelings and Victimhood
In the increasingly hedonist West, individuals are encouraged to act according to their feelings. If it “feels good,” do it as the pursuit of pleasure is the main goal of life. Liberal Tyranny of Feelings: But why do we instantly accept the notion that morally borderless societies automatically are the best? Why do we assume that self-discipline is bad …
Read More »Nietzsche’s atheist delusion is destroying the West: Nietzsche died of insanity, his path to madness described in his books
Nietzsche died of insanity: Economic suicide and social downturn now color the depressive cultural mood. Allegations of corruption at the highest levels in politics create further distrust in the so-called democratic political system. Greed and selfishness is everywhere. Many now question how it is possible for Western stability and prosperity to so dramatically disintegrate before our very eyes. Yet, …
Read More »How the Marxist Left produces Totalitarianism: Fear instead of Freedom
The rise of totalitarianism in modern societies happens in nations where Marxism first is infused into society. The Marxist Left produces Totalitarianism: It is a must to create Marxist repressive revolutions that bring fear and terror into the population and thereby silence political opposition in order to fundamentally alter the whole culture and the social fabric of the nation. …
Read More »Jacques Derrida and the Racist Left Victimization of Blacks: Socialist Racism is our Curse
Exclusive to WND: Hanne Nabintu Herland on Jacques Derrida and the Racist Left and why people of color are chronically victimized. The brutal killing of the 21 year old South African farmer, Brendin Horner unleashed racial conflicts and upheaval in South Africa. The ongoing murder pandemic of white farmers has been silently happening for a long time, while the …
Read More »The Ruthless Strategy of Persecuting the Orthodox Church in Ukraine may Backfire
As the Ukrainian government is now engaged in a militant atheist Soviet Union type of manhunt and persecution against traditional Orthodox Christians who pledge loyalty to Ukraine, this may be a mistake that will impact the Russia-Ukraine war in unexpected ways. Persecuting the Orthodox Church in Ukraine: The forced politization of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine may easily …
Read More »US Senator Richard Black: “Herland Report global reach, speaks Truth, genuine Substance”
Herland Report TV host, Hanne Herland speaks with US Senator Richard Black, who endorses The Herland Report global reach and its genuine substance. The interview addresses how our current system has changed towards endless wars, neo-con foreign policy leading to the Arab Spring, Syria and Libya war. The question is: How can we return to international justice, and what …
Read More »Sex Wars: Fall of Western Dominance as Testosterone drop
Roy Barzilai: We live in a period of history in which intensifying gender, race and religious wars are leading to political disputes over nationalism versus globalism. This is threatening Western liberty with a return to primitive tribalism, writes Roy Barzilai at The Herland Report. What is it that drives us toward sex, fuels life, and makes death inevitable? As …
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