
The Ruthless Strategy of Persecuting the Orthodox Church in Ukraine may Backfire

Religious Revival in Russia: The Kiev Lavra Monastery complex has been the center for Christianity in Russia for centuries. CBN

    As the Ukrainian government is now engaged in a militant atheist Soviet Union type of manhunt and persecution against traditional Orthodox Christians who pledge loyalty to Ukraine, this may be a mistake that will impact the Russia-Ukraine war in unexpected ways. Persecuting the Orthodox Church in Ukraine: The forced politization of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine may easily …

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Sex Wars: Fall of Western Dominance as Testosterone drop

The Testosterone Hypothesis is written by Roy Barzilai, Tel Aviv.

  Roy Barzilai: We live in a period of history in which intensifying gender, race and religious wars are leading to political disputes over nationalism versus globalism. This is threatening Western liberty with a return to primitive tribalism, writes Roy Barzilai at The Herland Report.  What is it that drives us toward sex, fuels life, and makes death inevitable? As …

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The Testosterone Hypothesis: When Testosterone level falls, Civilizations weaken

The Testosterone Hypothesis Roy Barzilai Testosterone Herland Report

  The Testosterone Hypothesis: The story of Western civilization is the process of opening the human mind to discover nature and realize his potential as a rational man. This struggle for mental liberation has seen many cycles of triumph and retreat throughout the history of cultural evolution. The Testosterone Hypothesis focuses on understanding how our roots in biological evolution, from …

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Big Brother and Totalitarian Control in the West – Hannah Arendt

Big Brother and Totalitarian Control: Hanne Herland Report Hannah Arendt

  In times of massive political upheaval such as what we now are witnessing, the German philosopher, Hannah Arendt might be worth revisiting. Big Brother Totalitarian Control: She lived to see World War II and the totalitarian Nazi regime up close and wrote The Origins of Totalitarianism to warn the world of the terrible fate of those who embrace authoritarianism. …

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Darwinism Remains a Theory, Was never Proven

Darwinism Remains a Theory, Was never Proven - WND Herland Report

  We have been taught for decades that Charles Darwin proved how man evolved from apes, in a linear evolution from amphibians at sea. This is not true. Evolution from one species to another has never been proven, only slight variations within species is documented. The idea preached in almost every classroom in the West has been that sea creatures …

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Atheist Science and Empiricism as Religious Belief

Science is atheist new religion: Hanne Herland

  Hanne Herland counters those presenting empiricism as a ‘complete atheist religion’ in her weekly WND column.  Atheist Science: Today many view “modern social science” and “empiricism” – the practice of basing theories on testing of data derived from human experiences – as if these are infallible, objective entities. People believe in the social sciences as though they were a …

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We need empathy: What can motivate us to do good to others?

The need for Faith in God:Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  This has become the age of depression and loneliness. Social bonds are withering, the atheist way of life is popular, the culture of fear is rampant – everywhere. It seems as though the more you hail free sex, the lonelier people get. How can this be? More than 50 % of the American population now live alone, writes historian …

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The belief in Modern Science as if it is a Religion

The belief in Modern Science as New Religion, Herland Report

  Modern Science as Religion: In the 1800s, empiricism became a popular way of examining the world, according to the observable by the human eye. Auguste Comte declared that the only matter we may know as “facts” are those derived from human experience. It was a good method in natural science, mathematics and within other disciplines, Hanne Nabintu Herland writes …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite