Middle East/Africa

Ola Tunander, PRIO: How media lies destroyed Libya

How media lies destroyed Libya Ola Tunander Hanne Herland

  The Herland Report TV: We are honored to have produced several TV shows with former research professor at PRIO, Dr. Ola Tunander, who is an expert on Libya and How media lies destroyed Libya. Watch it here: “There were nobody in Norway that were against the military engagement in the Parliament. This was very different from Vietnam and Iraq …

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Foreign Aid a form of drug addiction #Gaza, Gerald Steinberg

The West does not understand the Middle East - Dr. Gerald Steinberg Herland Report

  Herland Report: We recently sat down with Dr. Gerald Steinberg, discussing foreign aid a form of drug addiction, the politization of Foreign Aid, as billions are funneled to “poor countries” but never seem to reach the poor. The same countries that receive billions of dollars, tend to remain poor regardless of however much is given. The current culture of …

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“The Arab spring” became utter failure – Gerald Steinberg

Gerald Steinberg, Herland Report

  Herland Report TV: Hanne Herland speaks to Dr. Gerald Steinberg about the failures of the Arab spring. “It is a huge mistake to think that whatever your Western country went through a hundred years ago, is the same process that is taking place in Egypt, Syria or Iraq,” says Dr. Gerald Steinberg, political scientist and professor at Bar-Ilan University …

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Kari Jaquesson: Medienes rolle er å skjule hva som skjer i Midtøsten?

Kari Jaquesson Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Kari Jaquesson: Vi snakker med Norges fitness coach-dronning og TV personlighet, Kari Jaquesson om Syria og Libya og krigene i Midtøsten. Hva skjer bak medienes fasader? Hvorfor stiller flere og flere seg kritisk til den amerikanske narrativen og virkelighetsoppfatningen? Og hvorfor får vi bare presentert synsvinkelen til de ultrarike i USA? Jaquesson hevder at vi er utsatt for grov …

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EXCLUSIVE: Norwegian celebrity, Kari Jaquesson in war torn Syria

Kari Jaquesson

  Herland Report: Many, and especially today, are fearful of breaking out of the safe spot – the “politically correct” sphere – and stand up for what they believe in. If they do, the risk for public punishment is high, alienation, slander in the media and so on.  We proudly present an interview with Norwegian TV star, Kari Jaquesson, who …

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TV interview: In a globalist world it is all about the money, says Tommy Hansen

Tommy Hansen Herland Report

  Herland Report: Chief editor Tommy Hansen was a Danish, Berlin based journalist, founder of free21.org, a news site that hosts close to 200 journalists’ work in Europe. In this interview with The Herland Report, he speaks about the US’ establishment’s seemingly endless wars as a multi billion dollar business. It never ends because it is a neo-con elite paradise …

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The unattainable dream of free and fair elections in Libya

free and fair elections in Libya Libyan flag Gaddafi Herland Report

  There is a dream for many in so-called third world countries, that the Western form of democracy will lead to “free and fair elections in Libya,” also in the traditionally more authoritarian ruler region. They hope that the Western system will bring development and civil liberties to their population. This is, of course, a very naive perseption. Africa should …

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Saudi Donations to American Universities function as Bribes


  Why would the center of illiberalism, religious fanaticism, and misogyny ever sponsor the center of liberalism, secularism, and gender equality? This is the question that crops up when one considers the largesse that human-rights-abusing Saudi Arabia bestows on the leading universities — those putative bastions of progressive, free thinking — in the United States, writes Raymond Ibrahim, Middle East …

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Algeria, Sudan, Libya – beginning of new civil war Libya? Jonathan Spyer

new civil war Libya and Sudan?

  Herland Report: The current instability in Algeria, Sudan and Libya has led to some excited western media coverage heralding a second chapter of the Arab Spring. Those celebrating should be careful what they wish for. new civil war Libya. The Arab uprisings of 2010-11 and the subsequent years began with great hope but with the partial exception of Tunisia, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite