Middle East/Africa

Joaquin Flores: How to sway public opinion and create war #Syria

Joaquin Flores How to create wars Herland Report

  Herland Report: Why do the narratives become so “black and white” in wars, we asked Joaquin Flores, editor-in-chief of Fort Russ News and director for Center for Syncretic Studies in Belgrade. Herland Report TV: “Truth is the first casualty of war, the narratives become polarized, just as it did in the Syria war,” says Joaquin Flores in this new …

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Dr. Petra Heldt: Muslim Persecution against Christians in the Middle East

Petra Heldt, Hanne Herland Report

  Herland Report (HTV): Persecution against Christians is a massive problem in the Middle East, explains Dr. Petra Heldt, Professor at the Hebrew University and founder of The Ecumenical Theological Research Fraternity in Jerusalem. He  barely survived a suicide attack in Jerusalem in 1989 and stayed over a year at the hospital. After spending decades in the Middle East, she …

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New EU Expansion in Africa under pretext of fighting Islamism?

Joaquin Flores is the chief editor of Fort Russ New

  Herland Report: Joaquin Flores: The upcoming US-EU expansion into Africa to combat China’s massive influence on the continent, places Africa at the center of new attention. We will probably see new wars on the African continent in the years to come. Joaquin Flores, chief editor of Fort Russ News and the director for Center for Syncretic Studies in Belgrade …

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Western atrocities create hatred towards the West – Tommy Hansen

Western atrocities create hatred towards the West - Tommy Hansen

  Herland Report TV (HTV): Tommy Hansen was a Danish, Berlin based journalist, founder of free21.org, a news site that features over 150 journalists’ work in Europe. In this Herland Report conversation, he speaks passionately about the deep rooted moral problems in the Western culture. The implementation of wars as a means to gain control over other nation’s resources becomes …

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Will Jordan Hashemit Kingdom fall post Syria?

AlBaghdadi ISIS leader Syria

  Herland Report: The Syrian war influx has created massive socioeconomic problems for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, including increased poverty, unemployment, budget deficits, and pressure on health and education infrastructures. National identity is one of the most sensitive and complex issues in Jordan. Since its creation in 1921 until recently, Jordan adopted a pan-Arab orientation at both state and …

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Syrian war humanitarian crisis and Jordan – Mohammed B. Salameh

Bashar al assad Syria worst humanitarian crisis since world war 2

  Herland Report: The Syrian civil war produced one of the largest, longest, and most complex humanitarian crises of the twenty-first century. More than twelve million people have fled to Arab and Western countries since June 2011, including over 1.4 million to Jordan, equivalent to 14 percent of the Jordanian population. This influx has created massive socioeconomic problems for the …

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Libya in ruins, yet NATO Jens Stoltenberg would gladly crush Libya again

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg would gladly crush Libya again

  The 2011 war on Libya led to a failed state, civil war, al-Qaida militia control, 3 million refugees and massive persecution of black Libyans. Yet, Libya under Moammar Gadhafi was Africa’s richest country, a middle-income nation with free health care and free education for both men and women. In 2007, then-President George W. Bush hailed Gadhafi as an example of good …

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Islamismens mål er å erobre Europa – Walid al-Kubaisi

Hanne Nabintu Herland leser Koranen. Walid al-Kubaisi i studio.

Herland Report TV: Walid al-Kubaisi sier at den Wahhabi-inspirerte politiseringen av islam som har ridd Midtøsten som en farsott de siste tiårene, ideologien som vi betegner som “Islamisme”, har som mål å også erobre Europa. Under karikaturstriden viste nordmenn sin underkastelse under islamistisk hegemoni, sier den nylig avdøde filmskaper og forfatter, Walid al-Kubaisi til Herland Report nett-TV. Hva er så …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite