LONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 24: New Prime Minister Boris Johnson waves from the door of Number 10, Downing Street after speaking to the media on July 24, 2019 in London, England. Boris Johnson, MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip, was elected leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party yesterday receiving 66 percent of the votes cast by the Party members. He takes the office of Prime Minister this afternoon after outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May took questions in the House of Commons for the last time. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

Congratulations to the British people on BREXIT, may the EU fall


Congratulations to the British people on BREXIT, may the rest of Europe follow and the incompetent EU leadership and politically correct establishment fall.

We need a political revolution in Europe that shifts out the current leadership, – both in politics and also in the media. Boris Johnson for Prime Minister!

Many of us have long wished for BREXIT and the end of the EU elites with its well paid, arrogant bureaucrats and politicians who constantly work for the Marxist-Socialist goal of eradicating borders and national identity.

They have fought for this for decades, and the failed ideologies have led Europe to its current state of cultural and economical decay.

What they wished for, didn’t work: “A multicultural, international, non-religious, borderless unity where all ethnic groups live together in a god-less society where utopia finally is reached as traditional culture is no more.” This was the neo-Marxist dream. 

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The EU elite are not even able to solve the massive illegal human trafficking that ships millions into Europe yearly, but rather end up giving Turkey a leading role on the continent.

The inefficiency and inability to handle the situation and protect Europe is appalling, – also the financial issues. It calls for a new generation of leaders with a different ideology than the current Marxist-Socialist EU structures.

One of the main issues with the current EU system, is that there seems to be very little respect for the European people. The perspectives of ordinary citizen are simply ridiculed in the elitist Socialist media, which often displays a lack of respect for democracy itself. 

We simply are tired of the current political European elite and the constant willingness to, in an totalitarian manner, keep pushing outdated ideologies that belong to the past and completely lacks realism. The comments of former London Mayor, Boris Johnson on row over Hitler were truly correct, as we need to get rid of the Socialist structures in Europe which we did not after the German National Socialism lost its impact after WWII.

It’s high time we lose the last connection to this dark times in European history, by ending the Socialist reign.

If the EU leaders at least solved the problems within the different nations, maybe we would feel differently. But the overpaid politicians in Brussels pose endless amounts of regulations on nations that end up robbing us of our national identity, cultural heritage and pride in the core European values.

The very instant you speak favourably about European historical greatness, our civilization and its values, you are deemed to be “racist,” “intolerant,” “bigot,” “discriminatory,” “islamophobic” or other slandering names. Europe needs to be proud of its heritage and uphold its historical roots are we to survive as a culture the current state of upheaval.

Irrationally enough, when countries such as Hungary and Austria try to push back the illegal mass immigration of people from Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Kosovo, Albania and some from Syria, they are called all sorts of foul names by the Brussel elite, – who are grossly unable to solve the issue themselves. The arrogant EU elites do not even protect member states, why do we keep them?

Of course the same elite now warn us all about Brexit, knowing that if the EU falls apart they will have to get ordinary jobs instead of the lucrative lifestyle they now lead in Brussels and elsewhere.

The socialist, internationalist EU leadership simply are unable to bring solutions to the problems facing Europe, hopelessly stuck as they are in the ideologies of the past, precisely the kind of thinking that has brought Europe to its knees.

There is dire need for a whole new political elite who are able to stop the current trends, thus our fervent hope in BREXIT and EU EXIT at the same time. It is time for Boris Johnson to step up his game.   


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Led by Scandinavian bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, The Herland Report news and opinion website provides independent analysis from leading Western intellectuals and ground breaking YouTube interviews, cutting through the mainstream media rhetoric. It is a great place to watch interviews and read the articles of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum. The Herland Report believes in freedom of speech and its editorial policy resides above the traditional Left vs Right paradigm which we believe has lost its relevance and ability to describe the current driving forces in Western politics.

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