Crimea reunification is Legal: Gerhard-Schroeder-Germany-Getty

Former German Chancellor Schröder says Crimea reunification is Legal


Herland Report: Crimea reunification is Legal: Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has said that the reunification of the Crimea with Russia was legal and fully reflected the mood of the population of the peninsula, in comments yesterday June 14th.

Speaking to businessmen in Brandenburg as part of the electoral activities of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Schröder called for recognizing Crimea as Russian and lifting the sanctions imposed on Russia after the reunification of the peninsula with Russia, writes Joaquin Flores, editor-in-chief for Fort Russ News and the director for Center for Syncretic Studies in Beograd, Serbia. (Feature photo: Gerhard Schröder, Getty)

“Crimea is an old Russian territory. In Soviet times, it did not matter where the Crimea was assigned geographically. But now this is no longer the case, ” the tabloid Bild quotes Schröder.

The Herland Report has several TV programs with Fort Russ News editor-in-chief, Joaquin Flores: How to create revolutions, the Kosovo-Serbia war, Syria and Libya. In this TV program, he analyses the European situation in light of the globalist attempt to quench self-determination in nation states.

Watch them here. Program 1 on how to start a revolution, program 2 on how to create war Syria, program 3 on Yugoslavia, Serbia, Ukraine and program 4 about Europe.

Gerhard-Schroeder-Germany-Getty Crimea reunification is Legal:
Crimea reunification is Legal: Wikimedia. Gerhard Schröeder, former Chancellor in Germany. Getty.


Crimea reunification is Legal:  According to him, a legal justification can be brought under the Crimea’s accession to Russia, but this is not about secession, but about “public approval”, therefore returning Crimea to Russia cannot be considered an “aggressive act”.

Last fall, Gerhard Schröderwas negatively reported on and listed by the Ukrainian extremist site “Mirotvorec”.



Earlier it was reported that Ukrainian Foreign Minister Klimkin in an interview with tabloid Bild called on the EU to impose sanctions against German Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder  for his support for projects in which Russia participates.

It should be noted that Klimkin’s appeal to impose sanctions against the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder was rebuked in the German government.

Later  Klimkin denied he had pushed for sanctions against Schröder. Recall also that in the fall of 2017,  Schröder called the sanctions against Russia illegal.


About the author

Political scientist, Joaquin Flores is the chief editor of Fort Russ News and the director for Center for Syncretic Studies. He is a graduate from California State University in Los Angeles and an accomplished journalist who currently lives in Belgrade. Flores is a regular at The Herland Report.


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