Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite
New Left Tyranny

NEW BOOK “New Left Tyranny”: Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us


Herland Report: NEW BOOK “New Left Tyranny. The authoritarian destruction of our way of life” (Amazon): Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: Under the current globalist-Capitalist system, we are gradually returning to the feudalist structure of the Middle Ages.

Some very few, wealthy individuals own everything, the rest of us are bound to the globalist kings and lords of debt. This is Robbery Capitalism, not the historical Capitalism that built the West.

Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us:New book from bestselling author Hanne Nabintu NEW LEFT TYRANNY:Some very few, wealthy individuals own everything, the rest of us are bound to the globalist kings and lords of debt. This is Robbery Capitalism, not the historical Capitalism that built the West.

Man is enslaved yet again in a cunning system of political repression, writes historian of comparative religions and author Hanne Herland in this excerpt from her latest and newly launched book, New Left Tyranny. It is available on USA Amazon here, UK Amazon here or in your local bookstore.

Herland is the founder and host of The Herland Report Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts which have millions of readers/viewers yearly.

New Left Tyranny is available on USA Amazon, UK Amazon here (or browse your local country Amazon for the book) on Barnes and Noble, Faith Life Books, Books a Million and others. Kindle version here.

«This is a remarkable book by a remarkable person. Excellent work.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, leading American political economist


Exclusive excerpt from New Left Tyranny on the topic of what Capitalism really is:


NEW BOOK “New Left Tyranny”: Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: Some call this Capitalism, but the current globalist Robbery “Capitalist” system based on greed and lack of trust is vastly different from the historical Capitalism that built the West and lifted millions out of poverty.

The original, historical Capitalist model asserted the individual’s right to own the fruits of his labor. If he worked harder, he earned more.

This economic model made possible what traditional Americans have labeled “the American dream,” implying that anyone can reach any economic height if he only works vigorously for it.

There is no centralized, Communist state stopping him, no feudal lord who owns it all.

The historical system rewards the man who is the most resilient, persistent hardest working individual. The historic Capitalist system brought millions out of poverty and away from the feudalist structure that dominated Europe from the 800s AD to around 1200. It was closely connected to the Protestant ethic ideal of trustworthiness and a strong Christian ethic where reliability was key.

The globalist Robbery Capitalist system we have today, based on the transnational business model that avoids paying tax to any nation, exploits the lower classes, ruthlessly outsourcing jobs, robbing the working class – this system based on greed and lack of respect for the worker is a Capitalism devoid of its historical values, devoid of trust.


NEW BOOK "New Left Tyranny": Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: New Left Tyranny by bestselling Hanne HErland
NEW BOOK “New Left Tyranny”: Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: “In New Left Tyranny, Hanne Nabintu Herland shows that the neo-Marxist New Left created a dysfunctional society by abandoning the working class and attacking traditional values. As a consequence, social cohesion dissolved into selfishness and a lack of personal responsibility. This is a remarkable book by a remarkable person. Excellent work.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, leading American political economist. In the US, buy it here! In the UK, Europe use this link or browse for the book on the regional Amazon portal in your country.


Globalist Capitalism robbed the working class of everything


Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: Today society crumbles under the weight of financial crisis, a perverted Capitalism based on greed and abuse in a culture of decadence, hedonism, war, racial clashes, and social upheaval. We have lost our historical values.

Our culture is suffering under the break-down of marriage while mental illness, drug abuse, suicide, and family tragedies explode. This is happening while the ultra-rich carefully assemble the wealth into their own hands.




[pullquote]Some very few, wealthy individuals own everything, the rest are bound to the globalist kings and lords of debt. This is Robbery Capitalism, not the historical Capitalism that built the West.[/pullquote]

Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: Only a few individuals now own more than half of world assets, according to The Independent. The same elites own much of the mainstream media and easily push the narrative and political agenda to benefit their own dreams of world dominion.

Globalist elites openly speak of the need for a new world order with new sets of ethics. Especially since the mid-1980s, they have pushed for a system that massively benefits the ultra-rich and depraves the middle-class of its revenues, dominating the public through tight control over the media.

The 1960s radical movement, the New Left and its neo-Marxist leaders displayed a remarkable contempt for the values that once made our culture world-leading. Today, it is hard hard even to speak about historical values that built our countries, without being slandered as “a racist, misogynist, male chauvinist, sexist” and so on.

We shun away from teaching our children the great stories of the founding fathers and the great kings, the very fabric of what it means to stand together as a culture.

This might have been the very revolutionary aim of the neo-Marxist in the 1960s and earlier, to break down the very traditional structures of society stated by Karl Marx as necessary in order to reinvent society. Bloody revolution was his desired method.


 Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: Hanne Herland
Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: New Left Tyranny author, bestselling Scandinavian author, Hanne Herland is a regular contributor to the leading Conservative outlets in the United States. The book is available on USA Amazon, UK Amazon here (or browse your local country Amazon for the book, list of some local country links below) on Barnes and Noble, Faith Life Books, Books a Million and others. Kindle version here.
«This is a remarkable book by a remarkable person. Excellent work.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, leading American political economist


The Karl Marx Marxists removed one nobility and imposed a new, Marxist nobility


Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: The original Capitalism was the very structure that Karl Marx criticized, in which the nobility and the economic elite offered protection and work to the lower classes, who then moved close to the castles and places of protection.

In exchange for security, food, and shelter, the system discouraged the individual farmer and the owner who controlled his own wages.

The nobility set the standard, and the working class imply had to comply.




Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: Marx implies that this system, challenged by the new renaissance commercial movements, slowly died down due to the new bourgeoisie in the 1400s onward.

[pullquote]When studying the bourgeoisie man, Karl Marx, it becomes clear that what he accomplished was simply to remove one nobility with a new, Marxist class.[/pullquote]

He suggests the same must be done as the Marxist class replaces yet another nobility.

Yet, when studying Marx, it becomes clear that what he accomplished was simply to remove one nobility with a new, Marxist class.

The feudal “bourgeoisie” lords were replaced by an authoritarian government and state Marxists, an elite today tyrannize the working class in exactly the same way as the nobility before them.  They pretend to be for them but are the best repressionists in generations.

The original Capitalist structure liberated, to a degree, the individual from the bondage of the feudal system. In the sense that the feudal lord was no longer the determiner of how much each worker was paid, he could not control worker behavior the same way as before.

The worker now began deciding what he would like to do with his life. Many moved to the growing cities, emigrated to the colonies, and forged brand new lives based on the liberty of the individual.


Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: Karl Marx.
Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: Karl Marx. The feudal “bourgeoisie” lords were replaced by an authoritarian government and state Marxists, an elite today tyrannize the working class in exactly the same way as the nobility before them.


Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: These individual liberties arose at a time in history when the United States wrote its Constitution (1787). This document is permeated with the early and initial Capitalist freedoms for the working class.

New book from bestselling author Hanne Nabintu NEW LEFT TYRANNY:This is the very freedoms that a socialist system seeks to out root, since it challenges the dominion of the state elite.

This is one of the reasons why the American Constitution is under such fire today, as it is vital for a neo-Marxist ruling elite to demolish the freedoms of the individual in order to succeed in state control.

The individual liberties found in the American Constitution contributed to the breaking down of the hereditary system in which the son of a carpenter also became a carpenter, the son of a merchant tended to become a merchant, and so on.

With the oncoming of the colonies, working-class members in Great Britain became bank owners in America. Independent education opened brand new doors for the class struggle.

The point being that this economic model developed in coherence with the Protestant ethic, focusing on trust, reliability, hard work as the virtue. Values mattered back then as motivational defined ideals.


The historical Capitalism revered history and traditional ethics


Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: Karl Marx hated religion. He found the reverence of the Creator to be unnecessary. Since his neo-Marxist peers took power in the West, the traditional reverence for the Creator and love of God has been under constant attack.

[pullquote]Socialism is a system that continues the feudal society of over-lords; only now the state elite owns everything. Not the individual, just like how the system worked under feudalism.[/pullquote]

Religious values are belittled by the elites even if around 75% of the European people adhere to the Christian faith and approximately the same number in the US, according to Pew Research Centre Forum. The contempt for the voice of the people is prevalent.

When in Israel a few years back, I spoke to the high-tech venture capitalist and Israeli start-up guru, Jonathan Medved, about the success factors of Jewish culture.

In the interview that later appeared on The Herland Report TV channel on YouTube as well as on TV channels, he spoke of the Jewish culture views hard work as a service to God. He suggested this to be one of the reasons why Jews have been so successful financially. They tend to view hard work as a religious virtue, which is highly motivational. The aim of life ingrained in Jewish culture is to work hard for the betterment of humankind.

The historical Capitalism functioned quite well as individuals participating in its free enterprise were largely trustworthy with the aim of helping society to prosper. The aim was to save the money and reinvest, in order to build an even better society.

Traditional religion was socially acceptable back then, and people gathered in churches as social fellowships weekly. That is where they met neighbors, talked to the elderly, helped each other, engaged socially.

That, of course, also shut down with neo-Marxism and even before the 1960s, as religion was deemed the unwanted opium of the people.


Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: New Left Tyranny, by bestselling author Hanne Herland
Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: “In New Left Tyranny, Hanne Nabintu Herland shows that the neo-Marxist New Left created a dysfunctional society by abandoning the working class and attacking traditional values. As a consequence, social cohesion dissolved into selfishness and a lack of personal responsibility. Western societies have been fragmentized into the hate politics of Identity Politics and are dissolving into towers of Babel as they succumb to massive alien immigration. This is a remarkable book by a remarkable person. Excellent work.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, leading American political economist. In the US, buy it here! In the UK, Europe use this link or browse for the book on the regional Amazon portal in your country.


Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: Karl Marx said: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, the soul of soulless conditions. Religion is the opium of the people.”

What a nonsensical statement, especially considering the drug epidemic that engulfs us today, as the billion-dollar industry pushes opiates in every shape or form on the young as well as the old. Would it not be better to pray and search for inner peace through the traditional method for acquiring peace and love?




Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us:  Followers of Marx have but substituted “religion as opium” with real opium. The drug epidemic came only after the neo-Marxist take over in the West.

One of the main goals in the New Left 1960s movement was free sex without any responsibilities and the legalization of narcotics, as we know. This is just one example of how the atheist followers of Marx ended up pushing Western society to the brink of destruction.

Traditional church attempted in history to focus on the main pillar of Christianity: You are to love God and love one another. While not always successful in producing honest priests or followers of Christ, at least the ideal was very distinctly defined, as man’s responsibility to society became a key feature.


The historical Capitalism was based on individual freedom, not centralized state power


Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: The principle of individual responsibility was different in the later socialist model based on Marxism, where individuals are “granted payment” from the state regardless of how they perform.

[pullquote]The goals of the New Left 1960s movement was free sex without responsibilities and the legalization of drugs. This is just one example of how the atheist followers of Karl Marx ended up pushing Western society to the brink of destruction.[/pullquote]

It is a passive way of receiving the same as everyone else. Its outcome was demonstrated in the Soviet Union. A general wage level is set “for all,” no need to put in the extra mile.

No need to smile at work, perform your best, be efficient. All get the same pay, whether they do their best or not.

The state employs, the state owns the company, the state distributes to each his pay, the very exact amount to everyone. There is no incentive for success beyond a worker’s general wage.

Socialism is a system that continues the feudal society of over-lords; only now the state elite owns everything. Not the individual, just like how the system worked under feudalism.

The original form of Capitalism presented other solutions than that of the socialist state who “owns the work force.” It suggested that those who worked harder earned more. To a large degree, the system self-regulated, the wrongdoer tended to be punished; the liar tended to be stopped.

[pullquote]To what degree is Wall Street occupied with fictitious capital, nonviable derivative products that create even more bank loans and the enslavement of the working class through debt?[/pullquote]

Today, we have a new type of Capitalism devoid of trust, dependent on financial markets that push for profits with remarkable greed and lack of responsibility for society as a whole. If it is socially acceptable to rob the individual by lying to him about why he should buy a property, while the banker already knows this will inflict horror down the line, we have entered a world of robbery Capitalism.

The recent financial break-down also illustrates the lack of trustworthiness in today’ s system. Which politicians really care about their nations and their citizens?

To what degree is Wall Street occupied with fictitious capital, nonviable derivative products that create even more bank loans and the enslavement of the working class through debt? To state the obvious, there is something distinctively selfish about pushing others over the cliff, while a banker earns millions from it.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy and a well-known author of many books. In one of his recent interviews with The Herland Report TV on YouTube, “Financial Crisis”, he says:

“The reason they are too big to fail is because the Central Banks were supposed to be their regulators. They have failed in their job and allowed massive mergers in the creations of monster financial organizations which are so large that if they do fail, it has such horrendous effects on everybody else that we say we can’t let them fail. So, we created a Frankenstein monster and we couldn’t let it fail. So they keep throwing out money, money, money. Everything that was accomplished during the Depression, to make capitalism workable, has been taken away.”


About the author

Hanne Nabintu Herland is a historian of religions and bestselling author. She is the founder of The Herland Report Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts which have millions of readers/viewers yearly. This is a great place to watch interviews with leading intellectuals, thought leaders from across the political spectrum. Herland’s books include Alarm, Respect, Det Nye Babylon, The Culture War. How the West lost its Greatness, and her latest, New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian Destruction of Our Way of Life is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, across the USA and in 60 countries world-wide. New Left Tyranny shows how the neo-Marxist New Left turned their back on historical Western principles and became a destructive authoritarian force.

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