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Milo Yiannopoulos Hanne Nabintu Herland interview, Herland Report

Interview Milo Yiannopoulos: Women need to drop New Left Feminism


Hanne Nabintu Herland met with Milo Yiannopoulos, discussing what went wrong with the 1960s New Left Feminism.

The early conservative feminist movements such as the Suffragettes in the 1920s, sought to strengthen women, her gender and enhance her as a woman. They hailed her as the queen and the man as the king in the beautiful union between the sexes.

The 1960s neo-Marxist Feminism came from a vastly different angle, opting for revolution and turned Feminism into a fight against the man, the war between the sexes and abolishing the traditional family.

Freedom has been defined as the woman’s right to step out of the fellowship of men, away from her husband, away from the family, aborting the fruit of her own womb.

It has created a generation of angry females who chronically looks down on her own sex and thinks the man discriminates her.

It is a vastly different approach. The Suffragettes were Conservatives, and both Milo and I strongly support their efforts.

The neo-Marxist feminist movement is a catastrophic, failed project that has led to low self esteem among Western women, filled their hearts with strife and left so many childless, bitter, living alone and carrying the whole economic burden on their own shoulders.


New Left uses free speech to advocate for tyranny: Milo Yiannopoulos Hanne nabintu Herland Report


Milo is a leading internet guru, reaching a young audience that does not identify with the New Left Liberal movement. For this he has been heavily punished, demonized, harassed in the very typical totalitarian New Left way.

This is why we wanted to meet with him, to hear what he actually had to say outside of the scope of the “one minute debate”. What does Milo really think about the New Left feminism?

Watch The Herland Report TV interviews with Milo Yiannopoulos: 1. The Leftist Tyranny 2. Leftist #Tyranny  3. Destructive New Left Feminism 4. Radical Left Demonizes Christianity and get his book Dangerous here.
Milo Yiannopoulos: Women need to drop New Left Feminism: Hanne Nabintu Herland Report
Milo Yiannopoulos: Women need to drop New Left Feminism:  Milo Yiannopoulos is a wonderful, brilliant sharply tongued man. It was a true pleasure to spend time with the internet guru who is considered to be the Kanye West of journalism. Milo Yiannopoulos has been notoriously portrayed by the New Left media as a man who “hates women” and “is hated by women”, a classical leftwing demonization technique. The founding fathers of the New Left, such as Herbert Marcuse, openly stated the need to curb freedom for majority groups. The repression of majority views, such as the traditional family, the traditional marriage, has been notoriously ongoing for decades now.

Hanne Nabintu Herland: – Milo, you are one of the leading intellectuals of our time with provoking technique of fearless speech. You are a famous author, an internet guru and one of the strongest defenders of free speech in the West. What is your grievance against the New Left Feminism?

Milo Yiannopoulos: – The most amazing thing that feminism has managed to persuade women of is that men have all the power in sexual dynamics and social situations.

They have managed to persuade women that they are victims and the men have the power.

What they have done is told people that rape and sexual assault is the default rather than the tiny aberration.

Milo: – What they are saying is that they are going to tell you tons of stories of rapes whether they happened or not. We are going to constantly tell you about all of this for 30 years, so that women think that the usual sexual interaction is defined as an aggressive man who doesn’t respect consent, doesn’t respect you or your bodily autonomy or you as a human being.

So, you are a victim. By definition, you are a victim of a crime or some sort of social infraction.

What they haven’t been honest about is that 99,2 % of social and sexual interactions between men and women are not like that.

Most of these interactions between men and woman are between descent and kind people, who are awkward around each other possibly in the beginning, who don’t necessarily know how to do things and stumbling their way through, working out how to communicate.


Milo Yiannopoulos: Women need to drop New Left Feminism: Hanne Nabintu Herland Report
Milo Yiannopoulos: Women need to drop New Left Feminism: The Herland Report Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcast has millions of viewers. Founded by Scandinavian historian of comparative religions and author Hanne Nabintu Herland, we feature leading intellectuals, authors and activists from across the political spectrum. 


Milo: And guess what, it is the woman with the power in that relationship. The vast majority of interactions are not with rapists or with sexual assault.

The vast majority of social interactions are with men and women, where it is the woman who mostly decides whether it will proceed or whether it will stop. This is the woman’s decision.




If you roll this out in other kinds of sex, it becomes clear to see why this is true. In gay relationships, it is the passive partner who has the power to make it all stop or to proceed with the relationship. Take it out to BDSM or whatever, it is the passive partner with the “safe word” who has the power.

Hanne Nabintu Herland: – I always loved the suffragette movement, they loved and accepted the woman and her womanly, biological qualities.

She was allowed to keep her make-up, her high heels, her strengths and her proud nature.

Like you say, a woman walks into a room and everybody goes silent. This is our power. That movement hailed the woman and didn’t take her out of the marriage or move her from the family like they did in the 1970s.

Milo: In the 1970s, they introduced some sort of man-hating feminism. A family-hating feminism and a feminism that doesn’t acknowledge her body in the sense that woman are almost preferred not to have children because then they need to be away from work during the pregnancy.

According to the New Left Feminism, whatever she does in the family is not considered to be of value. She is only valued for what she does outside the family sphere. Her role in the family is scrapped as nothing.

Her freedom is now defined as the woman’s right to step out of the human bond and fellowship found in the family. She is to first and foremost split away from the man. It is a very strange idea that has led to a whole generation of loneliness, depression and sorrow, I would argue.

I am just wondering why this became an idea. I would never like to live a life without you men. I mean, you guys are amazing!

Milo Yiannopoulos: – Managing to convince women that they are the victims and the less powerful entity in heterosexual relationships is the greatest trick that feminism ever pulled.

It is a lie. It flies in the face of whatever a woman knows about her sexual power.

It flies in the face of whatever a man knows, growing up as an adolescent 20 year old, awkward and uncomfortable in working out how to approach women, how to interact with them and how to get laid.

You know, men are anxious, terrified and nervous. Women, on the other hand, mature more earlier than men and are often more assured, more knowing.

Yet, feminists have told women a bunch of stuff. They have told women that they are the victims and that men are violent and abusive perpetrators that won’t respect consent.

They have told women that they should not be self-reliant, but instead run to the state, run to the government or run to the college.

Every time there is a bad date, they should characterize it at some sort of abuse or crime that has been perpetrated against them just because they felt awkward after sex. Well, he probably did to.

So, they have told women all these things that are not true.

What they have done is create, now, two and a half generations of women who are radically unprepared for the real world.

They are taught that a slight brush on the knee from a guy at college, represents some sort of sexual assault.

What are these women going to do when they are standing in a dark alley with a real rapist?  They have been told that every slight infraction can be fixed by “dad”, fixed by the patriarchy, fixed by the college authorities, fixed by police. It can’t.

By not acknowledging that there is a small shard of darkness and a small element of danger in interactions with men that most women will experience once or twice, hopefully just that, in their lives.

By suggesting that this small dark group represents all men and is more typical of general interactions, you are ruining the relationships between men and women.

This is some of the many ways in which feminism has left women utterly miserable and left many of them alone.


  • The All Out Assault on Masculinity in the West. Jordan Peterson.

Hanne: – There is a lack of equality in this way of thinking feminism.  Betty Friedan had this discontentment of life. She wanted to step out of marriage due to being discontent and get it all. I wonder how many women regret a divorce once it is finalized. I mean, the grass is seldom greener..


Milo Yiannopoulos: Women need to drop New Left Feminism: Hanne Nabintu Herland Report
Milo Yiannopoulos: Women need to drop New Left Feminism: They have told women that they should not be self-reliant, but instead run to the state, run to the government or run to the college.


Milo: – Most of us aren’t as unhappy as feminist campaigners or activists, who are very often moved to campaign out of their own personal damage.

They are driven to this by their own demons, the darkness that they have experienced and by their own unhappy life choices and experiences.

The majority of us are not as miserable as feminist activists and don’t see the world like they do. But these people have been given uniquely powerful positions to shape how the rest of us must live.

Hanne: – The problem with the New Left feminism from the 1960s, is that there are so many contradictions in their message.

For one, they want the woman to become the man, but she is not able to because she is not biologically male. Feminists hate males, yet they want the woman to become the very thing they hate, namely the man.

Secondly, you are not allowed to be feminine, yet feminine is what’s natural for a woman to be. Taking care of ourselves, using our female talents, being the glorious mother, excelling as a free woman and so on.

Milo: – Yes, and this is what men want.

Hanne: – And we are not supposed to bear children. Yet, bearing children is the greatest thing we can possibly do. What I am trying to illustrate is that there this craziness in the New Left feminism.

It rips off the woman the very strengths in her biological sex and it doesn’t allow her to be precisely what she is. No wonder she as lost her self-esteem. She is not allowed to be proud of being feminine.

I agree with Judge Judy in an interview when asked if she was a feminist. She responded “No, I was really never into those kinds of things”.

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Hanne: – I am the same. I have never felt victimized by men and if some guy tries to touch my thigh or whatever, I’ll slap him and tell him to get out.

I think that women who embrace the New Left victimhood role given to them, make the same mistake as the victimhood given to people of color. They too are supposed to always feel victimized and weak. Who benefits from that?

Milo: – One of the classic characteristics of modern feminism is it low opinion of women. The idea that women needs to be saved from every social interaction. This is the worst thing about feminism.

How low their opinions are of other women, presenting them as weak, they need to be saved and are delicate wallflowers who can’t deal with a bit of flirting, a hand on a knee or a joke about women.


Milo Yiannopoulos: Women need to drop New Left Feminism: Hanne Nabintu Herland Report
Milo Yiannopoulos: Women need to drop New Left Feminism: One of the classic characteristics of modern feminism is it low opinion of women. The idea that women needs to be saved from every social interaction. This is the worst thing about feminism.


Milo: The idea that women cannot tolerate or be subjected to the slightest ridicule, mockery or even just awkwardness, is so demeaning to women that it makes me furious. It is demeaning.

The idea that women need to be insulated in a bubble away from anything bad that might happen to them is Ludacris. What happens when that woman is confronted by a rapist?

Is she in a position to help herself? No.  Is she going to have a gun in her handbag? No. Is she going to cry for help? No. She is going to be a mess and a victim in that situation because she has been trained into believing that she is one.



I always think that in a country, like in America now, where more than half of college applications, graduates or the rest of it, are women.

Women are going in unprecedented numbers more than men.  High literacy rates, higher grades in college and so on. Women are out passing men in almost every conceivable metric in education. There are more scholarships for them, they are graduating more subjects.

Yet, they are still not happy because they are inventing some sort of conspiracy about women being kept from doing computer science and physics. Even though women totally dominate biology and veterinarian medicine. Because they want women to choose to dominate everything rather than choosing what they want to do.

In a world in which the data with the evidence to suggest that women are out passing men in every conceivable way, we don’t need to keep patronising and pandering to women telling them that they are inferior and victims and that the world is out to get them.

Hanne: – I feel the anger, just listening to you, honestly. It angers me that the New Left gives me the role of a weak Bambi. I am not a “Bambi” and do not identify with weakness and victimhood. This is not a Disney movie.

Milo: – That is their idea. Their idea is that the woman is a Bambi and that you need to be protected and ushered through life with cushions around you.

Same access to education, get paid the same, have the same opportunities in the workplace and be able to choose your own fate. Those are the things that women deserve and those are the things that women have had for decades!

Hanne: – When it comes to equal pay, women who choose to become a nurse does so because that is what she wants. She wants to help the elderly and the sick.

She does not want to be a CEO of international company who works twenty hours a day. She just does not want a senior position, but is satisfied and happy doing the work of a nurse.

Why does the New Left feminists look down on that? Wasn’t the whole point of feminism that the woman should do what she wants most of all?

If a woman wants to be paid more, get a higher-paid profession. It is quite self evident that a CEO position which requires at least the double amount of work daily is better paid.

Or else, you know what you can do? You can choose to do what you love. In this case caring for the sick, showing kindness and so on. And be happy with what you chose, not constantly comparing yourself to men.

Milo: – Here is the thing. When you look at the gender split in certain countries like Pakistan, where women do not have the same access to education. When women do get into education they feel this intense economic pressure to provide for themselves, they chose according to economic outcome just as much as men.

Women will chose professions in high-paid jobs due to the economic pressure and their background coming from developing countries. So, if you look at Pakistan or Bangladesh, women studying physics and math results in a much closer gender parity.

In richer nations, where women have all the opportunities in the world, their choices narrow.

When you give women more freedom, more rights, more opportunities, they actually chose a narrower way of things. They chose veterinarian medicine, nursing, social care and all kinds of things that suit what and who they are. It’s a great irony that people never realize.

A great irony in education that feminists will never be able to fix, which is; the freer women get, the freer they are to choose, the narrower their choices get.

Because they can finally do what they want instead of what they must.


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Led by Scandinavian bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, The Herland Report news and opinion website provides independent analysis from leading Western intellectuals and ground breaking YouTube interviews, cutting through the mainstream media rhetoric. It is a great place to watch interviews and read the articles of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum. The Herland Report believes in freedom of speech and its editorial policy resides above the traditional Left vs Right paradigm which we believe has lost its relevance and ability to describe the current driving forces in Western politics.

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