Herland Report: Covid-19 shots: As the Western world is being vaccinated with not properly tested Covid-19 vaccines, 3 billion shots now administered, ‘world vaccine and health expert,’ Bill Gates and other vaccine owners are set to earn billions. The effort towards vaccinating those from poor and developing countries is also under way, mainly thanks to the Covax mechanism: WHO, the …
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FRP Siv Jensen reagerer på Solbergs milliarder som sendes ut av landet
Herland Report: Det er fantastisk at FRP Siv Jensen reagerer skarpt på at regjeringen Erna Solberg ukritisk sender milliarder til utlandet. Et så rikt land som Norge blir som kjent omsvermet av internasjonale krefter som ønsker tilgang på Oljefondet vårt, for å påvirke våre politikere til å bevilge millarder nettopp til dem. Men det norske Statens Pensjonsfonds avkastning tilhører …
Read More »Erna Solberg doble roller er problematisk: Enten bør hun gå av fra FN-jobben eller som statsminister – Pål Steigan
Herland Report: Erna Solberg doble roller er problematisk: Både som FN leder og nasjonalstaten Norges leder, befinner hun seg i en problematisk interessekonflikt. Det mer hun bevilger til FN fra Norges skatte- og statsmidler, det mer populær blir hun internasjonalt. Men er dette i nasjonalstaten Norges interesser? Mens nordmenn får beskjed om å spare, stenge ned fødeavdelinger fordi vi …
Read More »China is smarter than the West, will gain post Corona Scandal
Herland Report: China is smarter than the West: China set the example for lock down of national economies in an unprecedented move. Western nations followed the Chinese example and shut down their own economies too. China is now the leader of the world. President of the People’s Republic, Xi Jinping spearheaded how the world tackles pandemic crisis. What he …
Read More »Non-elected billionaire Bill Gates rule public health through control over governments? Erna Solberg
Herland Report: The coronavirus scandal, with billionaire oligarch “pandemic expert” Bill Gates pushing horror scenarios into the media, has contributed to politicians’ reaction of fear. This, combined with the CNN mass media hysteria forefront, has, in turn, caused a once-in-a-century financial depression. The economic depression may not be due to the virus itself, but rather the panic reaction that was created …
Read More »Covid-19: WHO Tedros Has a Long History of Cover-Ups #Norway Erna Solberg
Herland Report: WHO Director Marxist-Leninist Tedros Has a Long History of Cover-Ups: The head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus now faces increased scrutiny over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. If we understand Dr. Tedros correctly, he cannot be criticized for his handling of the crisis because that would be racism. Any critical comment, would be equivocated with …
Read More »Hillary Clinton visiting Norway: Pay for Play Clinton Foundation
Herland Report: Norway was recently the focal point of a generous Hillary Clinton visit with the Norwegian Labour Party, March 8, 2019. We assume Clinton is looking for another payment from the Norwegian State to the Clinton Foundation, hoping Labour Party leader, Jonas Gahr Store can help. Leading figures within the Labour Party seemed to pledge allegiance to Hillary …
Read More »Dagbladet: Norge, Saudi Arabia størst kontributør til Clinton Foundation, kjøper seg venner
Dagbladet avslører at Norge gir langt mer enn tidligere antatt til Clinton familiens stiftelse, som lenge har vært betraktet i et kritisk lys i USA. Norge og Saudi Arabia er de største donorene, fremgår det av Donald Trumps Facebook side. Norge og Saudi Arabia. Smak litt på setningen. Dette er altså realiteten. Er det rart at mange av oss …
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