Tag Archives: Christianity

Church burning has come to America, just like ISIS Middle East

The Spiritual Collapse in America:The Arctic Fox Cometh Imitating Islam in Persecuting Christians: Mission St. Gabriel, California, Church burning has come to America, just like ISIS burned churches in the Middle EastUSA

  Herland Report: Church burning has come to the United States, as Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other openly atheist, anti-American anarchists torch Western civilization. In past years, it has been one of the main features of the terror group ISIS and other Islamist radical groups’ attack on Christianity in the Middle East. It has now come to America, as …

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New Left total disaster: We were Never Worse Off

Atheist Emptiness: Herland Report

  Beneath the glossy wrapping of materialism and technological advancement, there is growing social unrest in the West. We have been through a cultural revolution since the 1960s that has led to a rampant lack of discipline and order in schools, lack of respect for parents and teachers, a denigration of religious citizens be it Christians or others, writes historian …

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Michael Flynn says Forces of Evil Want to Steal Our Freedom #CivilUnrest

The Case of General Michael Flynn:  The Use of Law as a Political Weapon: Daily Beast

  Herland Report: Michael Flynn says Forces of Evil Want To Steal Our Freedom: US three star general, Michael Flynn writes: “There are seminal moments in American history that test every fiber of our nation’s soul. We are facing one now. Revolutionary forces are causing every American citizen to question which direction the country is heading. To determine the outcome, …

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The End of Christianity in Turkey – Erdogan’s war on Christians

The Irrational Liberal hatred of religion:WND Herland Report

  Herland Report: Raymond Ibrahim: The End of Christianity in Turkey: In once-secular Turkey, hate for Christians has come to permeate every segment of society. Turkish authorities have the power simply to confiscate or close churches. Islamic terror attacks that target Christians in Turkey have been noticeably on the rise, writes Islamic scholar, Raymond Ibrahim, a regular at The Herland …

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Total Christophobia in Europe, the degradation of the religion that made Europe great

Den arabiske våren: Hanne Nabintu Herland Report.

  Europe has arguably become the most secularized and spiritually antagonistic region in the world, marked by “Christophobia” to such an extent that even wearing a Christian cross or any sign of religious affiliation may easily be labeled offensive. The same politically correct elites who constantly complain about Islamophobia and homophobia, have nothing against practicing “Christophobia.” It is a widespread …

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New book from bestselling author Hanne Nabintu “NEW LEFT TYRANNY” explains Western downfall

New Left Tyranny, by bestselling author Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report: New book from bestselling author Hanne Nabintu NEW LEFT TYRANNY: At the very pinnacle of economic crisis, bestselling author, historian Hanne Herland is out with a new book, New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian Destruction of Our Way of Life. While chaos, lack of order, divisiveness, racial tension and a diminished sense of responsibility among politicians permeates society, …

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New Left Tyranny: Globalist Capitalism reintroduces the feudal system with Oligarch Overlords

New Left Tyranny, by bestselling author Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report: New Left Tyranny, by Hanne Nabintu Herland explores how the current Globalist Billionaire Capitalism reintroduces the feudal system with Oligarch Overlords. Under the current globalist system, we are gradually returning to the feudalist structure of the Middle Ages. Some very few, wealthy individuals own everything, the rest of us are bound to the globalist kings and lords …

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Langfredag minnes Jesus forrådt av egoistiske religiøse ledere

True Meaning of Christmas: The Judeo-Christian contributions: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Langfredag minnes Jesus forrådt av egoistiske religiøse ledere: På langfredag minnes vi Jesus som ble sparket, slått, løyet om og forrådt for penger. Da det virkelig gjaldt, mens de totalitære religiøse kreftene krevde hans død, da hjalp han de fattige hvilket de selv ikke gjorde, skriver religionshistoriker og grunnlegger av The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland. Han …

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Mental Health and God: Faith in God has a Scientifically Proven positive effect

Mental Health and God: Getty Heland Report

  We live in a mainstream culture that almost completely denies the spiritual realm and its influence on human beings. Mental Health and God: You hardly hear anything positive about religious beliefs or traditional values, for that matter. CNN, New York Times and the mainstream outlets chronically only address issues that fit the atheist narrative. Yet, science proves that faith …

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Russia demonstrates faith in God and heterosexual marriage

The geopolitical shift to the East: Vladimir Putin

  Russia demonstrates faith in God: Russian President Vladimir Putin has submitted to parliament a number of proposed constitutional changes, including amendments that mention God and stipulate that marriage is a union of a man and woman. Russian senators overwhelmingly back the constitutional changes, reports Daily Mirror. Russia decides to hold onto God, heterosexual marriage, and Putin, writes Paul C. …

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