Tag Archives: Christianity

Life under Saudi Arabia + Qatar Islamists: Christians tortured, raped, crucified for not converting to Islam – Raymond Ibrahim

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  Raymond Ibrahim will be a regular contributor to The Herland Report, generously allowing us to publish his articles. Ibrahim is of Egyptian decent and a strong voice against the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, especially critical of the politicized sunni-Islamist movement that fuels sectarian strife between groups in the region. He has famously stated that the US …

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Hanne Nabintu Herland RT Worlds Apart: On the Arab Winter, Libya and endless wars

Hanne Nabintu Herland RT interview on RT: Herland Report

  Hanne Nabintu Herland RT interview: Interview with RT, one of the world’s largest news channels reaching around 700 million. Western “liberalism” is turning into an extreme-liberalism that pushes for authoritarianism in the West today. Free speech is increasingly shut down, as recently seen by the propaganda against Milo Yiannopolous at the University of Berkley and other places in the …

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Kirkens politiserte elite har fullstendig mistet gangsynet

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  Herland Report: Sakset fra Nettavisen kronikk: “Vi lever også i en tid der kirkens elite omtrent totalt har mistet gangsynet. Man har brukt årtier på å diskutere uvesentligheter, som om det ikke er selvsagt at Gud elsker de blant oss som er annerledes like mye som enhver annen. Og folket har respondert. I henhold til ISSP 2008 stiller kun …

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Imam state ISIS are foreigners who cannot speak Arabic

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  The RT documentary about the twenty Egyptian Christians who were slaughtered by ISIS in 2015 is worth revisiting. The documentary shows how the families handled the situation, as their sons were killed in a most brutal manner. The story explains much about the traditional Middle Eastern attitudes, much of which we hear little in our very censored media in …

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Christians in the Middle East doubt Muslim support of their existence – Patriarch of Antioch and All the East


  MEMRI translation of interview with the Patriarch in Egypt states:“In a January 7, 2016 interview with the official Egyptian Al-Ahram daily, Gregory III Laham, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and leader of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, expressed concern over the fate of Christian communities in the Arab world. The Patriarch is a strong supporter of Christian-Muslim dialogue.[1] …

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Pope Francis says service to others frees us from existential grayness

Pope Francis in Iraq, 2021

  Herland Report:  Pope Francis says service to others frees us from existential grayness: In his homily during Mass for Saturday’s trip to Molise, Pope Francis explained that the Church is a people that both serves God and lives in the freedom that he gives from oppression, Catholic News Agency reports. “This is the freedom that, by the grace of God, …

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Substantial Statistical Proof that Modern Man needs Religion

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  Islam represents 1.3 billion believers and Christianity 2.3 billion. This constitutes substantial statistical proof for the fact that also modern man has a basic need to believe in God. Modern Man needs Religion: An overwhelming international trend destroys the myth that there is a conflict between rationalism and faith. Many describe our age as the century of religion. Faith …

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TV serien Jerusalem: Islamisters ondskap mot Midtøsten kristne – Petra Heldt

Petra Heldt, Hanne Herland Report

Herland Report: Dokumentaren i ti deler, “Jerusalem med Hanne Nabintu Herland” omhandler hvordan intellektuelle, aktivister og forskere i Midtøsten ser på Vesten og vårt engasjement i krigene i Midtøsten. Serien viser nye perspektiver på gamle konflikter, sett fra den konservative vinkelen, et perspektiv vi sjelden hører fra i norske medier. Herland samtaler med kjente professorer, forretningsmenn, statsmenn og diplomater om …

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Motpoler ble brevvenner – biskop Tor Jørgensen og Nabintu Herland i Vårt Land om Kirke, dommedag og samliv

Norske verdier: Boken "Tyranni" av Hanne Nabintu Herland beskriver hvordan venstresiden ble den nye intolerante herskerklassen

  “Motpolar blir brevvener,” skriver Vårt Land. “Hanne Nabintu Herland langa ut mot feige biskopar. Tor B. Jørgensen slo tilbake. No skal dei brevveksle, – I Vårt Land.” Jeg skriver første brev til biskop Jørgensen i dagens avis, han svarer like over pinse. Sakset fra artikkelen om brev-serien: I dag startar debattanten og forfattaren Hanne Nabintu Herland og biskop Tor B. …

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