Tag Archives: Covid-19

German microbiologist: Shutdown grotesquely dangerous, collective suicide – Sucharit Bhakdi

Sucharit Bhakdi: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Society shutdown is grotesquely dangerous, collective suicide: An alarming interview with Germany’s forefront virus expert in microbiology, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi sends a chillingly apocalyptic message: That the Western government shut downs is a completely wrong and extremely dangerous response to the Covid-19 virus. This article was first published on this site April 3rd, 2020.  Self-isolating the whole …

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China superior response to COVID-19, its economy will become world’s largest by 2028?

Xi Jinping puts China First: Herland Report, The Independent

  Herland Report: China superior response to COVID-19: The U.K.-based Centre for Economics and Business Research believes that, due to China’s superior response to COVID-19, the Chinese economy will become the world’s largest by 2028, five years earlier than previously forecast. “For some time, an overarching theme of global economics has been the economic and soft power struggle between the …

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The total Disappearance of Seasonal Influenza world wide in 2020?

The total disappearance of Seasonal Influenza world wide in 2020? Herland Report

  Herland Report: One of the most bizarre features of the alleged COVID-19 ‘global pandemic’ has been the mysterious total disappearance of seasonal influenza in medical and public health record keeping. It simply has vanished. No one has the flu. It’s as if the Flu just vanished into thin air after being the most common perennial seasonal respiratory virus, writes …

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For Millions Of Americans, No Money No Christmas 2020

christmas Jesus For Millions Of Americans, No Money No Christmas In 2020:

  Herland Report: In modern times, there has never been a Christmas like this in America.  Millions are freshly unemployed, another wave of lockdowns is forcing countless businesses to close their doors, and people are waiting in line for hours at food banks all over the nation just to get a little bit of food for their families. Of course …

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The Historic Killing of Western Small Businesses

The most sophisticated propaganda operation in history:Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Corona Killing of Western Small Businesses: In what increasingly looks like a massive attack on small to medium private businesses all across the West, Amazon and the globalist multinational conglomerate mastodons are set to take over these markets. As 48 % among smaller private businesses now warn of upcoming bankruptcies are the lockdowns to prevail, the …

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How could a small virus send the West into historic recession? Mysterious indeed

Russia Christian Revival: Herland Report

  Herland Report: As we head for a second lockdown and Covid-19 again soars in almost all countries except Sweden, many local businesses go bankrupt. Suicide is all time high, the recession of a century renewed in strength. This is mysterious, indeed. The Sars’ Coronavirus (Covid-19) has so far delivered fewer deaths than most yearly influenzas, yet the media frenzy …

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Covid-19 Political Threat Is Now Much Greater Than Its Medical One

Double Jabbed die at rate Six Times higher than Unvaccinated: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Covid-19 Political Threat Is Now Much Greater Than Its Medical One: As readers know, I do not think that the Covid virus itself is a hoax.  From the beginning I have taken the virus seriously. I reported the available information that the ability of the virus to spread threatened hospital capacity and could overwhelm the medical system.  …

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