Tag Archives: davos

Corporate Power: Who Owns the World?

Who Owns the World?

  A handful of mega corporations — private investment companies — dominate every aspect of our lives; everything we eat, drink, wear or use in one way or another. These investment firms are so enormous, they control the money flow worldwide. While there appear to be hundreds of competing brands on the market, like Russian nesting dolls, larger parent companies …

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Davos 2023 – Funeral of Globalism, next is Collapse of Western Dominance

Davos 2023 - Funeral of Globalism: World Economic Forum

  Ekaterina Blinova Reports “Globalization has died and Davos 2023 was its funeral.”  Read her report here. Davos 2023 – Funeral of Globalism: The neoconservative attack on Russia and China has a silver lining.  It has killed Globalism.   Russia and China and the countries dependent on Russian energy and Chinese goods and financing have been cut off from the WEF’s effort …

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The Billionaire New World Order Economic Forum mirror the Corporate Raiders of the British East India Company

The Billionaire New World Order: World Economic Forum AP

  Herland Report: The Billionaire New World Order: The Davos billionaire hotspot World Economic Forum so desires to merge public state funds with the wealth of the privately owned business corporations that dominate the world. This is a very smart initiative that gives billionaires access to the nation states’ government funds. The British empire did the same with the privately …

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Oxfam study shows billionaire wealth exploded during Covid-19 at the expense of the poor

The most dangerous man: Billionaire wealth exploded during Covid-19: World Economic Forum Great Reset: Klaus Schwab

  Herland Report: Billionaire wealth exploded during Covid-19: On May 23, Oxfam International released the latest study “Profiting from Pain. The urgency of taxing the rich amid a surge in billionaire wealth and a global cost-of-living crisis,” examining how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the distribution of wealth worldwide. The results were alarming, and for people with any sense of fairness, …

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The Death of Davos?

Death of Davos? Getty

  Herland Report: Death of Davos? Gone are the glory days when the World Economic Forum’s annual conference in the Swiss Alps perfectly captured the optimism and hype of the post-Cold War era of globalization. Today, the mood is decidedly darker, requiring a more clear-eyed perspective on what, if anything, can be salvaged from the recent past. Now that we …

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The World Economic Forum Great Reset leaders listed

The most dangerous man: Billionaire wealth exploded during Covid-19: World Economic Forum Great Reset: Klaus Schwab

  Herland Report: World Economic Forum Great Reset: The German Club of Clear Words takes a deep dive into the network of individuals and organizations responsible for the COVID scam. Whether blatantly visible or not, you can identify just about any network by connecting dots between individuals and organizations. Who’s working with whom, where, and why? Who’s paying whom? And …

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Putin at Davos: Warns of dark Anti Utopian days ahead

Vladimir Putin at Davos: Warns of dark anti utopian days ahead, GEtty

  The Moscow Times highlighted topics in the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin’s speech at Davos World Economic Forum, where he appeared for the first time in a decade. The President commented on a number of serious issues facing the world as tensions escalate: “There is every reason to believe that there are risks of further escalating contradictions. …

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FRP Siv Jensen reagerer på Solbergs milliarder som sendes ut av landet

Fantastisk at FRP Siv Jensen reagerer på Solbergs milliarder ut av landet:  Scanpix

  Herland Report: Det er fantastisk at FRP Siv Jensen reagerer skarpt på at regjeringen Erna Solberg ukritisk sender milliarder til utlandet. Et så rikt land som Norge blir som kjent omsvermet av internasjonale krefter som ønsker tilgang på Oljefondet vårt, for å påvirke våre politikere til å bevilge millarder nettopp til dem. Men det norske Statens Pensjonsfonds avkastning tilhører …

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The Billionaires behind the Green Agenda #GretaThunberg #Davos

Idiotic Green Reform: Billionaires behind the Green Agenda

  Herland Report: The billionaires behind the Green Agenda: Within little more than a year everyone imaginable seems to have jumped on the bandwagon of the new green agenda of radical measures to “stop” climate change. [pullquote]“We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental …

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The Greta Thunberg Show: Public Child Abuse

Greta Thunberg public child abuse Herland Report Getty

  The use children as bait to create media sympathy for various causes, is an increasingly used method in the West. Latest, the public child abuse of Greta Thunberg, the Swedish 16 year old lured into the role as “media puppet for climate change.” She recently spoke at the UN, probably without a clue of the sinister political game she …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite