Tag Archives: Donald Trump

US Withdrawal from Syria? Peter Ford

US Withdrawal from Syria? Peter Ford Herland Report

  Herland Report: At the start of the year the horizon seems to be dominated by the issue of the possible withdrawal of US troops. In reality however the more important action is elsewhere. Every day that passes seems to bring fresh evidence that Trump’s decision is being walked back. But appearances can be misleading, writes former UK ambassador to …

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Baffling European hypocrisy: Criticizes Trump for Border Wall, yet funds its own wall in Turkey

Baffling European hypocrisy: Criticizes Trump for Border Wall, yet funds its own wall in Turkey Herland Report

  Herland Report: The European hypocrisy, both in the media and among politicians, simply is baffling. We exemplify the art of double standards in an unprecedented manner. While European media outlets are swarming with harsh criticism on President Trump’s border wall to stop illegal immigration and the drug epidemic trail into the US from its Southern Borders, Europeans have funded …

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Obama outlined illegal activity Southern Border, Trump only says the same

Obama outlined illegal activity Southern Border, Trump says the same

  Todd Bensman: Much of the noise accompanying President Trump’s partial justification for a wall concerns the veracity of a general threat: that Islamist terror travelers in the flow of “special interest aliens” (SIAs) might easier breach the southern border without one. Critics in the media and among Democratic members of Congress argue with vehemence that the administration is trafficking …

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Globalist’ media wants to Stop National Security #Trump Speech

Will we see a Military Coup in the US? Trump and the Military Complex. President-Donald-Trump-2019-State-of-the-Union-address-UPI-pelosi

  Herland Report: What we are witnessing is a historic show down of power between the New World Order globalist, transnational elite and the Old World Order that wants to retain national borders and the sovereignty of nations. Herland Report: To break it down: Immediately after the President Trump’s speech on the border wall, escalating a stand-off with Congress, the …

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The American Drug Mafia have a new Enemy Godfather in Donald Trump

Trump Reelection Is Already Discredited as a Coup Against Democracy, Herland Report NBC

  What we found to be the most remarkable trait in President Trump’s TV address to the nation from the Oval Office, escalating a stand-off with Congress that has led to an 18-day partial government shutdown, is the attack on the current billion dollar Drug Lords in America. They appear to use the illegal immigration flow into the US from …

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The Israel – Saudi alliance: The enemy of my enemy is .. my friend?

The Israel - Saudi alliance: Herland Report AFP

  Herland Report, Paul R. Pillar: The simple notion that any enemy of my enemy is my friend is overriding sober calculation of how Saudi Arabia’s conduct does or does not support U.S. interests. Long before “transactional” became a cliché applied to policies of Donald Trump, the term accurately described the U.S.-Saudi relationship. The partnership brought together the world’s most …

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President Trump has accomplished more than almost any administration

President Trump has accomplished more than almost any administration Herland Report

  With the American media bent on destroying their own President, the charade of endless hearings before Congress and a whole nation focusing on impeachment, hearings, RussiaGate, President Donald Trump addresses the UN, outlining his policy that is so much fought against by the globalist elites who own the US media. America is currently divided by identity politics and fragmentation …

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Victor Normann NHH: Kapitalisme forutsetter redistribusjon og samfunnsansvar

Victor Normann Samfunnsansvar, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Kanskje Norges beste foreleser på økonomi, professor Victor Normann påpeker i sin siste forelesning ved NHH , 6. desember, 2016, at økonomi handler om tre ting: Å kombinere økonomisk effektivitet, sosial rettferdighet og individuell frihet. Økonomi er altså en normativ – en verdibasert – gesjeft som ikke bare handler om økonomisk profitt til de aller rikeste, men …

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“Saringass” i Khan Sheikhum og spekulative medieløgner – Bjørn Ditlef Nistad

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Etter giftgassangrepet på den syriske landsbyen Khan Sheikhum 4. april i år har norske massemedier vært fulle av oppslag om at Assad-regimet stod bak angrepet, og at nervegassen sarin sannsynligvis ble benyttet. Men sarin ville gjort at de ubeskyttede hjelpearbeiderne omkom. Alt tyder på at angrepet ble gjennomført ved hjelp av klor eller en annen mindre farlig …

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Marine Le Pen: The comeback of nations, of sovereign states, of frontiers and politicians who listen to the people

  Herland Report: France’s National Front (FN) leader, Marine Le Pen has said that if she is elected president she will ask the European Union for “our sovereignty back”. She told BBC Hardtalk Stephen Sackur she wanted legislative, territorial, economic and monetary sovereignty all returned to France. Ms Le Pen has previously described Britain’s vote for Brexit as the most important event …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite