Tag Archives: EU

The looming Energy Crisis: Why do NATO countries commit Energy Suicide?

The looming Energy Crisis: oil and gas sector divestment strategy herland report

  Herland Report: The looming Energy Crisis: There is a great paradox in the increasingly aggressive US and NATO military stance towards Russia, and China, when measured against the clearly suicidal national Green Agenda economic policies of the USA as well as the EU NATO states.  An astonishing transformation of the economies of the world’s most advanced industrial economies is underway …

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French Military Warns Again of the Disintegration of France

Neocons Sacrifice the Ukrainians: News putin ukraine

  Herland Report: French Military Warns: In 1976 Jean Raspail described the future fate of France in The Camp of the Saints.  France is disintegrating precisely as Raspail described. The French military is being punished by the traitorous French government for giving truthful and patriotic warnings, but in Europe today national patriotism is regarded as fascism. In place of an ethnic …

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Banning state leaders, going totalitarian will end Big Tech

US Propaganda Ministry: Banning state leaders, going totalitarian will end Big Tech:

  Herland Report: Banning state leaders, going totalitarian will end Big Tech: Who wants to stay on totalitarian Facebook, Twitter after this? Social media tyrants are now facing a backlash from world leaders, presidents and shocked individuals alike.  The leaders of Germany, France, the EU, Mexico and others react with horror at the totalitarian push by US Big Tech to …

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China superior response to COVID-19, its economy will become world’s largest by 2028?

Xi Jinping puts China First: Herland Report, The Independent

  Herland Report: China superior response to COVID-19: The U.K.-based Centre for Economics and Business Research believes that, due to China’s superior response to COVID-19, the Chinese economy will become the world’s largest by 2028, five years earlier than previously forecast. “For some time, an overarching theme of global economics has been the economic and soft power struggle between the …

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Hva er ytringsfrihet? Retten til frekkhet og ondskap? #Toleranse

Hanne Herland Report 2019

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Hva er ytringsfrihet? Og hva betyr egentlig toleranse? Den opprinnelige betydningen av ordet «toleranse» innebærer respekt for den andres rett til å være uenig med deg, samtidig som du selv holder fast ved din egen oppfatning. Ifølge det historiske toleransebegrepet i Europa, betyr ikke toleranse at den ene parten må gi etter for den …

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The Panic of Corona may be the element that brings about major restructuring of ownership – Hanne Nabintu

The Panic of Corona may be the element that brings about major restructuring of ownership: Hanne Herland Report, business-liverne.com

  Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland: The panic of Corona may be the very psychological element that brings about a major restructuring of international ownership. 60-80 % of the population will get the Corona virus, says British authorities.And 650 000 people die yearly of a regular influenza, according to the WHO, writes historian of comparative religions, author and founder of …

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Medieledere sitter fast i 1968, evner ikke analysere nåtiden #Trump #Brexit

Conservative National Values Resurrection: DailyNewsMax-donald-Trump-state-of-the-union-pelosi

Herland Report: Medieledere sitter fast i 1968, evner ikke analysere nåtiden: Donald Trump’s State of the Union tale vektla den massive økonomiske veksten i USA. USA har  laveste arbeidsledighet på 50 år, høyeste levestandardøkning på mange år, hundretusenvis ut av fattigdom, laveste arbeidsledighet for svarte på tiår, handelsavtale med Kina. Med rekordhøy oppslutning om presidenten på 49 %, sier det …

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The unattainable dream of free and fair elections in Libya

free and fair elections in Libya Libyan flag Gaddafi Herland Report

  There is a dream for many in so-called third world countries, that the Western form of democracy will lead to “free and fair elections in Libya,” also in the traditionally more authoritarian ruler region. They hope that the Western system will bring development and civil liberties to their population. This is, of course, a very naive perseption. Africa should …

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TV intervju: Pål Steigan om tysk storkapital betydning for nazismen

Herland ReportPål Steigan om tysk storkapital:

  Herland Report: Pål Steigan om tysk storkapital: Kommunisten Pål Steigan er velkjent for sitt opprør mot det vestlige meningsmonopolet. Han er grunnlegger og daglig leder av det voksende nettstedet steigan.no. Det har vært en glede å ha Steigan i studio en tid tilbake for å snakke om hvordan den tyske storkapitalen la grunnlaget både for Hitlers maktgrunnlag, men også for …

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