Tag Archives: facebook

Fact Checker Propaganda: The Media taught us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism

Fact Checker Propaganda: Sharyl Attkinsson Getty

  Herland Report: Sharyl Attkisson says fact-checking is one part of the campaign to control what you see online, and therefore what you think and how you perceive reality. Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson explains how virtually everything you see and hear online has been co-opted, or taken over to serve a greater agenda. Instead of real journalists and reporters, the …

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Censored mRNA Inventor Robert Malone Tells All on Joe Rogan Show

Censored mRNA Platform Inventor Robert Malone Tells All: Getty

  Herland Report: Censored mRNA Platform Inventor Robert Malone Tells All: December 30, 2021, Joe Rogan interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA gene transfer technology. YouTube and Twitter promptly deleted the interview. Google has also been caught red-handed manipulating search results such that Malone’s Rogan interview won’t show up when searching for “mass formation psychosis.” Malone was …

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Social Media does not Stop Muslim hate speech and incitement for Murder

Social Media does not Stop Muslim hate speech: Nabil H. Salama Executed by jihadists on the accusation that he was acting like a jihadist (Ayat Oraby, right)

  Herland Report: Social Media does not Stop Muslim hate speech: Despite Facebook’s zeal at censoring so-called “hate speech” and “offensive content,” violent, radical, and murderous content from Muslim terror groups is allowed to appear on and make use of the social media giant’s platform. According to a recent report, writes Islamic scholar and bestselling author, Raymond Ibrahim, a regular to …

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Facebook responsible for sex trafficking: Half of online sex recruitment happens on the social media platform

Facebook responsible for sex trafficking: Getty Facebook

  Herland Report: Facebook responsible for sex trafficking: While Conservatives and those who engage in serious conversations about the need for morality, ethical boundaries and integrity are censored, sex trafficking and pedophile grooming apparently is not on Facebook. Half of the online recruitment in active sex trafficking cases in the US happened on Facebook, according to a recent Federal Human Trafficking …

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Wonderful news – Facebook, Instagram are gone, hopefully for good!

Wonderful news - Facebook, Instagram are gone: Mark Zuckerberg, Getty

  Herland Report: Wonderful news – Facebook, Instagram are gone: With Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp gone for hours, many celebrate the reported hacker showdown demonstrating the vulnerability of the Big Tech totalitarian systems that plague the world with Leftist censorship.  “Facebook and Instagram go mysteriously offline and, for one shining day, the world becomes a healthier place,” writes Edward Snowden on …

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How Google Translate Deceives You and omits information

Google Translate Deceives You: Internet advertising controlled by Google, Facebook #Edward Snowden Herland Report

  Herland Report: Google Translate Deceives You: It’s no secret that Google aggressively censors anything and everything that contradicts the Left’s narrative.  Most, for example, know—or should know—that Google search results yield only what it wants you to see, not what best answers your query (as that may go against the “woke” narrative). But there are more subtle ways that Google …

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Edward Snowden: The greatest redistribution of power since Industrial Revolution

Snowden Granted Russian Citizenship: Edward Snowden: The greatest redistribution of power since Industrial Revolution Herland Report

  Herland Report: We are in the middle of the greatest redistribution of wealth and power since the Industrial Revolution, says Edward Snowden. The only way to safeguard our freedoms is to know when they’re being threatened. Unfortunately, the mainstream media fails to inform us of these threats, instead focusing on celebrity gossip and political punditry. That is where Freedom …

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Parler CEO John Matze: Big Tech, not the government now run the marketplace

The Free Speech platform PARLER: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Now that the social media platform Parler is up and running again, the Dinesh D’Souza interview with Parler CEO, John Matze on Rumble is worth revisiting. Matze suggests Big Tech’s main motive for shutting down Parler was stopping Trump from accessing the social platform, deplatforming him from every social network and thereby prohibiting him from communicating with the …

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PARLER, The Big Tech silenced free speech platform is back in business, log in here

The Free Speech platform PARLER: Herland Report

  PressCorp reports: The Free Speech platform Parler announced on Monday that it will resume operations on a new platform after previously being removed from Amazon servers due to disputes regarding its terms of service, calling itself the “world’s #1 free speech social media platform.” Login here. Watch the interview with Parler CEO, John Matze on Rumble here. “Parler was …

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Twitter Soviet style political censorship: Jack Dorsey laying out roadmap for more

Twitter Soviet style political censorship: Jack Dorsey laying out roadmap for more: AP

  Herland Report: As the West is turning into the new Soviet, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp head up the inquisition against plurality and diversity of opinion. Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, was recently taped by a whistleblower within the Twitter system, in which Dorsey laid out the roadmap for further political censorship. It will apparently continue beyond the inauguration as Twitter …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite