Tag Archives: globalist

Ny bok ute i USA “New Left Tyranny” om 68ernes partnerskap med grovkapitalismen – Hanne Nabintu

The Herland Report newsletter: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Sjokkmøte med intolerante nymarxister Herland Report

  Herland Report: Ny bok ute i USA og i 60 land internasjonalt fra bestselgende forfatter, Hanne Nabintu Herland om hvordan 1968erne ble det nye tyranniserende borgerskapet. New Left Tyranny (kjøp den på Amazon for Europa her) lanseres midt i coronakrisen, og omtaler et USA midt i en politisk borgerkrig med rasisme, etniske stridigheter, korrupsjon og uorden på et historisk …

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Corona definerer slutten på åpne grenser i Europa – Marine Le Pen

marine-le-pen-euro-parliament-victory The Nation

  Herland Report: Marine Le Pen uttaler at “nasjonalstaten vil få sitt come back i årene fremover. Folk vil ha grenser og trygghet i egne nasjoner. Åpne grenser kommer til å være et avsluttet kapittel i Europa.” [pullquote]En av følgene av Corona skandalen er at svakheten ved globalismens åpne grenser og samkjørte statsledere som følger hverandre i ett og alt, …

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TV interview: In a globalist world it is all about the money, says Tommy Hansen

Tommy Hansen Herland Report

  Herland Report: Chief editor Tommy Hansen was a Danish, Berlin based journalist, founder of free21.org, a news site that hosts close to 200 journalists’ work in Europe. In this interview with The Herland Report, he speaks about the US’ establishment’s seemingly endless wars as a multi billion dollar business. It never ends because it is a neo-con elite paradise …

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Globalist’ media wants to Stop National Security #Trump Speech

Will we see a Military Coup in the US? Trump and the Military Complex. President-Donald-Trump-2019-State-of-the-Union-address-UPI-pelosi

  Herland Report: What we are witnessing is a historic show down of power between the New World Order globalist, transnational elite and the Old World Order that wants to retain national borders and the sovereignty of nations. Herland Report: To break it down: Immediately after the President Trump’s speech on the border wall, escalating a stand-off with Congress, the …

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How the Authoritarian Globalist Left is killing Free Speech – Kirsten Powers

Kirsten Powers, Herland Report

  Herland Report : Kirsten Powers points out in The Silencing. How the Left is Killing Free Speech that the increasingly illiberal Left’s silencing campaign is a form of “repressive tolerance,” arguing that New Left guru and intellectual father of the 1968 student revolution, Herbert Marcuse openly spoke of the need to curb freedom of speech in pursuit of left-wing …

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