Tag Archives: google

Authoritarian control on Facebook: How to ruin your own empire

Facebook ill.

  Herland Report: Tolerance by definition signifies respect for disagreement. Wildly diverging opinions mark a tolerant debate where all the pieces of information are discussed. Freedom of speech implies maximum tolerance for a variety of viewpoints. But not among the modern day Liberal Left. They detest freedom and have implemented the totalitarian clampdown on both tolerance and free speech. The movement …

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Authoritarian Facebook and Google threaten democracy

Facebook ill.

Herland Report: The US Department of Justice has announced it is opening a wide-ranging antitrust review of “market-leading online platforms,” an unprecedented probe of the tech industry that could heighten calls for Amazon, Facebook and Google to be broken up, writes Washington Post. The effort aims to explore “widespread concerns that consumers, businesses, and entrepreneurs have expressed about search, social …

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Forget China, the Internet police are here, says Phil Giraldi

Forget China, the Internet police are already in US - Phil Giraldi Heralnd Report

  Herland Report: Google now automatically disables or limits searches for material that it deems to be undesirable. If Google does not approve of something it will not appear in search results. And what does come up will likely favor content that derives from those who pay Google to promote their products or services. Information that originates with competitors will …

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Facebook mistillit med enda mer sensur, Hanne Nabintu

Facebook mistillit med enda mer sensur: Herland Report.

  Herland Report: Facebook mistillit med enda mer sensur: Facebooks tid er over, sier Gina Bianchini, administrerende direktør i Mighty Networks. Silicon Valley guru, Jaren Lanier råder folk til å komme seg bort fra sosiale medier som ødelegger livet ditt. Spesielt det siste året har vi sett urovekkende totalitære tegn fra giganter som Facebook. Da skandalen med at personlige opplysninger …

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Facebook, Google, sosiale medier sensureres kraftig 2018

The belief in Modern Science as if it is a Religion Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: Sosiale medier sensureres: Mange snakker nå om Facebook sensur, Google sensur og YouTub utfordringer som rammer så mange. På Herland Report har opplevd en markant nedgang i forhold til antall besøkende på portaler som Facebook. Sammenligner man poster før juli 2017 og i dag, ser man at i fjor hadde vi ofte hundrevis av kommentarer, og flere …

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Internet Freedom Shutting Down: West is new Soviet Union?

Internet Freedom Shutting Down Facebook

  Herland Report: Internet Freedom Shutting Down: As Facebook’s ultra Liberal Mark Zuckerberg again points out that Facebook will continue the change in policy towards “choosing which news content its viewers are to be allowed to watch.” The continued discrimination against conservative and anti-war sites, making sure they are not viewable on Facebook, represents the sovietization of the West. Who …

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No election integrity in Ireland? Pro-life banned by Google, Facebook

No election integrity in Ireland? Pro-life banned by Google, Facebook

  They’re worried we might win, so they’re trying to silence us, states Save The 8th amendment in the Irish constitution, Pro Life Campaign and The Iona Institute. They assert that the decision by Google to ban the NO to ABORTION side is not about “concerns about the integrityof elections.” It is about concerns that the “No” side might win in Ireland. …

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