Tag Archives: Hitler

When the West turns into the Soviet Union Dystopia

Soviet Union dystopia: Paul Craig Roberts on the beach with Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: Soviet Union dystopia: My generation associated dystopias, such as George Orwell’s 1984, with the Soviet Union, a country in which explanations were controlled and criticism of Stalin would land a person in the Gulag. We thought of the United States and our life here much differently. But with the passage of time the difference between life in …

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The NAZI National Socialism in Germany World War II implemented Socialist State Control merged with Corporate Power

The Left's NAZI ideology: The NAZI National Socialism in Germany World War II: Herland Report

National Socialism, the official term for Nazism was a socialist state control system, writes World Net Daily (WND) columnist, historian Hanne Nabintu Herland in her book New Left Tyranny. It explains how the neo-Marxists are in the process of destroying the West. Read WND is America’s largest Conservative network with columnists such as Larry Elder, Ann Coulter, John Whitehead, Joseph Farah, …

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 How the neo-Marxist movement is strangling America

AP photo  How the neo-Marxist movement strangled America: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The neo-Marxist movement: It is only recently that most people have come to understand how influenced American society has become by Marxist thought. Yet, this ideology has been preached for more than 50 years to American youth in schools and universities, demonizing classical, traditional values and substituting these with revolutionary, God hating ideals that have succeeded in destabilizing …

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Adolf Hitler’s associate Albert Speer: His Battle With Truth

  We know about the thugs and sadists who surrounded Adolf Hitler. But architect Albert Speer was also close to Hitler. Yet he has gained the reputation of being different somehow—intelligent, better than the others, and not directly involved in the Nazi cabal. Ever since the appearance in 1944 of F. A. Hayek’s masterpiece, The Road to Serfdom, it has been …

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Kanye West, Hitler and the Left’s NAZI ideology

The Left's NAZI ideology: The NAZI National Socialism in Germany World War II: Herland Report

  The famous musician, Kanye West recently declared his admiration for Adolf Hitler in an interview with Alex Jones. West said that he sees good things about Hitler whom he likes for his “redeeming qualities”, as he questioned the Holocaust. And of late, he been very angry at Jewish Hollywood leaders and reportedly Jews in general, writes historian of comparative …

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Western dystopian dictatorship: Mike Wallace speaks to Aldous Huxley – Brave New World

Mike Wallace speaks to Aldous Huxley about Brave New World: 

  Herland Report: Aldous Huxley spoke in 1958 to CBS Mike Wallace about a coming tyranny. The interview is worth revisiting. Engulfed in a politicized Covid-19 pandemic, where lockdowns crush the national economies in Western countries (Asia does not seem to have the same level of lockdowns), the Huxley scenario seems ever more realistic. Under the current globalist-Capitalist system, we are …

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Marxist America as the New Soviet Union

The Marxist West: Marxist America: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Marxist America: Marxism is now filling the void of religion in America, with its fervent belief in man as the “new god”. A 2019 Pew Research Center survey found that Christianity is rapidly evaporating in the United States, only 65 % of Americans now describing themselves as Christian. This is a shockingly rapid decline, considering that the number …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite