Tag Archives: jan ove tuv

Ex-Muslims of Norway leader, Cemal Yucel on Islam and the Picture Ban

Cave of Apelles: Ex-Muslims of Norway leader, Cemal Yucel on Islam and the Picture Ban in the West, Herland Report

  Herland Report:  Cemal Yucel, the founder of Ex-Muslims of Norway, speaks about his choice to leave Islam, the Leftist love for Iconoclasm and the New Left Picture Ban in the West.  Cave of Apelles host, Jan-Ove Tuv points out that Cancel Culture is nothing new. Looking at history, has not cancel culture and toppling of statues always been precursors …

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Aftur Nerdrum on Cave of Apelles: – Odd Nerdrum Gives Kant Life

Aftur Nerdrum on Cave of Apelles: - Odd Nerdrum Gives Kant Life, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Aftur Nerdrum’s production of her father’s play The Last Days of Immanuel Kant is the topic of this month’s Cave of Apelles, produced by Bork S. Nerdrum. Ever since she was a child listening to the audiobook recording of her father’s play, Aftur Nerdrum has wanted to see it staged, writes Carl Korsnes. Now, she joins Jan-Ove …

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Carl Korsnes on Brentano’s Four Phases of Philosophy: Are we Doomed?

Carl Korsnes on Brentano's Four Phases of Philosophy: Are we Doomed?Sivilisasjonen:, Cave of Apelles, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Cave of Apelles: Is there an inevitable cycle that civilization is doomed to repeat — merely reenacting the fall of Rome — or can we break free from it? The biggest hindrance to a rich culture is the rejection of empiricism. Today, you are supposed to just accept the narrative — a certain signifier of the mystic …

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Cave Of Apelles Sebastian Salvo: Why Competition is Necessary, Nerdrum School

Sebastian Salvo Cave Of Apelles Nerdrum School Herland Report

  Herland Report: In the anniversary episode of The Nerdrum School initiative, Cave of Apelles, host Jan-Ove Tuv invites the painter Sebastian Salvo back to the show to talk about composition, the early Renaissance and the importance of competition among painters. Produced by Bork Spildo.   Finding patterns   The composition of a painting – that is, how to arrange …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite