Tag Archives: marxism

“The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite” by Hanne Nabintu Herland is a razor sharp analysis of how the elites use Marxist repression to achieve their goals

The Billionaire World Politicians: The West without a Moral Compass: Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite

  Hanne Nabintu Herland’s latest book, The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite is a razor sharp analysis of how the corporate and political elites use Marxist repression of the people to achieve their goals. Read the shocking story of how Marxism was used to curb freedom. Buy it here!     In the West, the ultra-rich control almost everything. …

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Billionaire Ray Dalio says US economy in existential threat if Capitalism does not Redistribute

Billionaire Ray Dalio says American economy poses existential threat if Capitalism does not Redistribute

  The wealth gap is at the highest since the late 1930s and the founder of Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund, Ray Dalio calls for reforming capitalism, arguing that if the US does not redistribute wealth and opportunity, the country’s existence as a stable global power is threatened, writes Business Insider. He said the US needs leadership that will declare inequality …

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The Marxist West: Meaninglessness is now core Western value

The Declining West: The search for meaning beyond Materialism. Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Marxism with its cancel culture and social upheaval is now engulfing America, applying its rigorous hatred towards traditional values, tearing down the pillars of stability. The idea, as presented in Karl Marx’ and Friedrich Engels’ work The Communist Manifesto, is that the only solution to injustice between the classes is to instigate bloody revolutions and terror upon the population. …

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Subjective research produces the desired, politically correct result at Western universities

American jobs and China: Herland Report Getty Illustration.

  Historian and philosopher of science, Thomas S. Kuhn has showed how subjective much of the research at universities really is. The historical development of scientific theories illustrates how the dominant epistemology within the social sciences are built on Leftwing ideologies strongly influences the personal opinions of politically correct professors. Subjective research: The individual scientist is often much more influenced …

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Color Revolutions: The Gene Sharp manual on how to create revolutions – From Dictatorship to Democracy

Color Revolution Gene Sharp: Gene Sharp, New York Times

  The CIA front man, a professor at the Albert Einstein Institute, Gene Sharp wrote the manual on how to create a revolution and overthrow governments, and since then we have seen Color Revolutions happening all over the world. For example, the Arab Spring tactics of infiltrating legitimate movements directly follows the Gene Sharp manual From Dictatorship to Democracy: Use …

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The need for Metaphysical Reflection and Morality to foster Mental Health

Religious Revival in Russia: The Kiev Lavra Monastery complex has been the center for Christianity in Russia for centuries. CBN

  Metaphysical Reflection and Morality: The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates said that an unexamined life is not worth living. We need to question more, to study ancient wisdom, to acquire knowledge about the key to happiness and how we may fulfil the purpose of life. Socrates believed that each man has access to the truths of life, as they are …

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Marxist ideology facilitates acceptance for violence against Whites in America

Marxist violence against Whites: Marxist ideology facilitates acceptance for violence against Whites in America

  As I have closely documented elsewhere, historical relations between Islam and the West have been utterly distorted in order to present the aggressors as victims and the victims as aggressors. Marxist violence against Whites: In this article, we look at a similar but even more urgent topic: how history in general has been intentionally distorted in a way that makes segments …

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The Marxist Liberal Tyranny of Feelings and Victimhood

Liberal Tyranny of Feelings:

  In the increasingly hedonist West, individuals are encouraged to act according to their feelings. If it “feels good,” do it as the pursuit of pleasure is the main goal of life. Liberal Tyranny of Feelings: But why do we instantly accept the notion that morally borderless societies automatically are the best? Why do we assume that self-discipline is bad …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite