Tag Archives: marxism

 How the neo-Marxist movement is strangling America

AP photo  How the neo-Marxist movement strangled America: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The neo-Marxist movement: It is only recently that most people have come to understand how influenced American society has become by Marxist thought. Yet, this ideology has been preached for more than 50 years to American youth in schools and universities, demonizing classical, traditional values and substituting these with revolutionary, God hating ideals that have succeeded in destabilizing …

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The Scorned Christian Values of Martin Luther King Jr.

The Christian Martin Luther King, BBC

  Herland Report: Somehow the Christian preacher, Dr. Martin Luther King, who later was martyred, is not so popular anymore. His message of justice, Christian values, non-violence does not fit well into the Marxist Black Lives Matter narrative. Nor does it suit the current establishment, but that does not make these values less relevant. Precisely the quest for justice, yet …

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Insouciance Destroyed America

Insouciance Destroyed America: Gerald Flurry

  Herland Report: Insouciance Destroyed America: Most Americans have no idea how far gone their country is. We not only have the Biden regime announcing solidarity with BLM and flying the BLM flag at US embassies and consular missions, US military recruitment videos stressing recruitment of lesbian females, men dressing as women, and Americans having their genitals removed so they can …

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What is Neo-Marxism and why the hatred of traditional, Western values?

New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian Destruction of Our Way of Life explains how the neo-Marxist New Left turned their back on historical Western principles and became a destructive authoritarian force.

Herland Report: Neo-Marxism is the post World War II atheist, Leftwing ideology that came from post-NAZI Germany and gained ground at the Western universities in the 1960s. It is now destroying the West, tearing apart the very pillars of society that made the West a strong civilization. Its philosophers – who arguably have been the leading philosophers in the social sciences …

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The Frankfurt School: How Neo-Marxism Came to Dominate Western Thinking

The Frankfurt School: Herbert Marcuse, Getty

Herland Report: The Frankfurt School: The dramatic cultural shift away from historical, Western values has not happened randomly. Just as novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand commented in a University of Michigan interview, philosophers determine history. They lay out the ideologies that form the basis for cultural development and outline values that are to be considered popular in society. Precisely this has …

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Atheism is New Religion based on Faith in the unseen

Big Brother and Totalitarian Control: Hanne Herland Report Hannah Arendt

  Herland Report: Atheism is New Religion: A remarkable disdain for traditional religion engulfs the West. It causes all kinds of demonization in the mainstream media against Christianity, religion and traditional values that once made the West such a great civilization. It becomes quite ironic that atheism, the new elite fashion, can easily be defined as a new religion, purely …

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Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: The failings of human consciousness, deprived of its divine dimension, is determining factor in all major crimes of this century

Soviet Atheist Repression Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: Cinema

  Herland Report: The Christian thinker, novelist and Nobel Prize laureate 1970, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn spoke vividly about the meaning of the repressive atheist experiment in the Soviet Union. Solzhenitsyn is referred to as the symbol of the contemporary Orthodox Christian revival in Russia, as he experienced more than sixty years of suffering under the harsh Soviet regime and came out undefeated …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite