Tag Archives: marxism

Color revolutions George Soros and how he pays Loyal Followers

Color revolutions George Soros:Politicl Herland Report

  Herland Report: Color revolutions George Soros: Of course you’ve heard the name “George Soros,” often invoked as a sort of folk demon on the American and international right, it’s likely that you have some vague notion of why you think he’s a bad guy, or maybe you think the whole thing is a bunch of hype. However, if you’re …

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Marxist America as the New Soviet Union

The Marxist West: Marxist America: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Marxist America: Marxism is now filling the void of religion in America, with its fervent belief in man as the “new god”. A 2019 Pew Research Center survey found that Christianity is rapidly evaporating in the United States, only 65 % of Americans now describing themselves as Christian. This is a shockingly rapid decline, considering that the number …

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Medieelitens bevisste diskriminering av konservative

Hanne Nabintu Herland and William Binney. Herland Report.

  Herland Report: Dette er en kommentar til artikkelen “Lendende medieeliter var viktigste leverandører av Fake News i 2011” har bragt til overflaten det betydelige problemet med norske medier som har foregått i årevis: Man fremstiller bevisst meningsmotstandere i et dårlig lys, vrir på deres utsagn for å gi inntrykk av at personen ikke bør lyttes til, skriver religionshistoriker, forfatter og …

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Mao Zedong and China: The Most Devastating Catastrophe

Mao Zedong and China: APF

  Herland Report: Mao Zedong and China: The authoritarian Communist leader, Mao Zedong, the founder of the People’s Republic of China, is currently quoted again and again in President Joe Biden speeches. “Mao qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history,” says Frank Dikötter, an expert with unprecedented access to the Communist Party archives. Dikötter explains in his book, Mao’s Great …

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Exclusive: The story of how Russia turned to Conservatism / Glenn Diesen

The rise of Russia: Herland Report

  Herland Report: How may we better understand Russia? Professor Glenn Diesen’s intriguing book, Russian Conservatism discusses Russia’s turn from Atheism to Conservatism, highlighting the country’s return to its history before 1917. Read the exclusive excerpts below. While the steadily weakened West is rapidly moving away from its historical roots, Russia seems to better recall how Communism ended and now …

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Joe Biden keeps quoting Mao Zedong, Communist leader responsible for 45 million killed: America turning Communist

Mao Zedong America: Joe Biden keeps quoting Mao Zedong, Herland Report AFP

  Herland Report: Joe Biden keeps quoting Mao Zedong, Communist leader responsible for 45 million killed: As the United States seem to turn to Marxism, it is but fitting that President Joe Biden steadily quotes the Chinese Communist leader, Mao. He was notorious for human rights abuses in China as millions lost their lives in prison camps and starvation during his …

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Founder of Black Lives Matter resigns after learning “ugly truth”: BLM is not about rebuilding black families

The Marxist Left produces Totalitarianism: Getty Herland Report

  Herland Report: Founder of Black Lives Matter resigns after learning “ugly truth”: Rashard Turner, the founder of a Black Lives Matter chapter in St. Paul, Minnesota, revealed in a video published last week that he quit the organization after he “learned the ugly truth” while being an insider in the far-left group, reports Daily Wire: “I was a founder of …

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Systemic racism manufactured by Elite to control Population and make Millions?

Systemic racism manufactured by Elite: George Floyd FOX Tucker Carlson now announce what we wrote two months ago: George Floyd was not killed by police, but by overdose of Fentanyl Opioid, Herland Report

  Former Arizona police officer-turned conservative political commentator Brandon Tatum unloaded on President Biden and the press for politicizing the Derek Chauvin trial, and insists that so-called ‘systemic racism’ is simply manufactured by politicians and the media to earn votes and make money. “I think we’re living in the twilight zone,” Tatum said of the Chauvin trial. “This conviction, in my …

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Black Lives Matter founder buy several million dollar homes in “white areas”

Black Lives Matter founder buy several million dollar homes in "white areas", Getty

  Herland Report: These days it has become fashionable among Marxists to mingle with Wall Street billionaires and buy million dollar homes among the rich and wealthy, just like Black Lives Matter founder, Patrisse Khan-Cullors have done. Recently, Daily Wire host Candace Owens spoke up about the Marxist Black Lives Matter founder, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, asking her exactly what it was that …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite