Tag Archives: marxism

Censorship Is Killing America

President Putin at Valdai: Kremlin Photo

  Russia’s President Putin last week at the World Economic Forum called out America’s Big Tech Monopolies for preventing free speech and attempting “to harshly and unilaterally govern society, replace legitimate democratic institutions, restrict one’s natural right to decide for themselves what stance to express freely. We’ve all seen this just now in the US, and everybody understands what I’m …

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WND features New Left Tyranny: Socialism, globalism and ‘robbery capitalism’ hand in hand

WND features New Left Tyranny: Socialism, globalism and 'robbery capitalism' now hand in hand, Hanne Nabintu

  Exclusive for WND: Hanne Nabintu Herland wonders how a socialist dictatorship would help Americans in her book New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian destruction of our way of life.  WND is America’s largest Conservative network with columnists such as Larry Elder, Ann Coulter, John Whitehead, Joseph Farah, Ben Shapiro, Dinesh d’Souza, Pat Buchanan, Dennis Prager, David Kupelian, Jesse Lee Peterson …

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Critical Race Theory and Neo-Marxism in America

Critical Race Theory and Neo-Marxism in America: Tucker Carlson, Herland Report

  Critical Race Theory has pervaded every institution in the federal government, journalist Chris Rufo recently argued on “Tucker Carlson Tonight”. He said that President Trump should end the widespread practice of indoctrinating federal employees in race theories. This theory asserts that legal institutions are inherently racist, and a socially constructed concept used by “white people” to further their gains at the expense …

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The Godless Progressive Left hatred of diversity and its Remedy

The Herland Report newsletter: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Sjokkmøte med intolerante nymarxister Herland Report

  Bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland notes in her book New Left Tyranny that the road to Marxist Utopia ignores the way to inner peace. The book by bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian destruction of our Way of Life is reaching many in the United States and English speaking nations across the world. The book …

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Book Review: New Left Tyranny attacks neo-Marxism for destabilizing West

Book Review: New Left Tyranny attacks neo-Marxism for destabilizing West, New Left Tyranny, Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report: “In Hanne Nabintu Herland new book, New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian destruction of Our Way of Life,  the best-selling Scandinavian author argues that the neo-Marxist New Left turned their back on historical Western principles and become a destructive authoritarian force. The New Left joined the world elites and abandoned the working class and instead attacked Western civilization itself. …

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Marxist Black Lives Matter says it is anti-democracy

The Marxist Left produces Totalitarianism: Getty Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland writes: I support black lives and the fight against racism, but not the Marxist, anti-democracy anarchist Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Since they recently explained that they are trained Marxists whose goal it is to remove the democratically elected president in the United States, they lost my respect. The BLM Global Network co-founder, Patrisse …

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New Left total disaster: We were Never Worse Off

Atheist Emptiness: Herland Report

  Beneath the glossy wrapping of materialism and technological advancement, there is growing social unrest in the West. We have been through a cultural revolution since the 1960s that has led to a rampant lack of discipline and order in schools, lack of respect for parents and teachers, a denigration of religious citizens be it Christians or others, writes historian …

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Communist Antifa “Red Army Faction” use brutal force to implement US Marxist anarchy

Multiculturalism crush Western values: antifa, NBC

  Herland Report: Communist Antifa “Red Army Faction” use brutal force to implement US anarchy: Antifa claims to oppose “fascism,” but fascism is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as a totalitarian governmental system led by a dictator. Donald Trump is democratically elected by the majority of Americans. The remarkably “white millenial” Antifa as well as Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) thereby …

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Anti-American Universities Are a Much Greater Threat to Us than China

The Anti-American Universities Are a Much Greater Threat to Us than Putin and China: Herland REport

Herland Report: Anti-American Universities: The enemies of the United States and black American lives are succeeding in transforming the nation by Marxist revolution into an anarchist place where law and order no longer prevails. Black Americans across the nation see this, but are not given space to voice their concern in the mainstream media. The media is owned by rich, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite