Tag Archives: Muammar Gaddafi

International demand: Release Abdullah al-Senussi, Tripoli Libya

International demand: Tripoli to release Abdullah al-Senussi: Herland Report AP

  Herland Report: International demand: Release Abdullah al-Senussi: This analysis documents falsified accusations against Abdullah al-Senussi presented in the media in 2011, and calls for his release from prison in Tripoli, Libya. He is over 70 years old, has health issues and his release will demonstrate good will for national reconciliation as Libya seeks to unify the nation. Abdullah al-Senussi …

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TV intervju Ola Tunander om Libya og venstresidens død

TV intervju Ola Tunander om Libya Ola Tunander

  TV intervju Ola Tunander om Libya: Herland Report TV programleder, Hanne Nabintu Herland samtaler med tidligere PRIO forsker, Ola Tunander om Libya krigen, Jonas Gahr Støre, norske overgrep og mangel på vilje til å ta ansvar i ettertid. Vi samtaler også om venstresidens død, hvordan venstrepartier ble krigspartier som glemte sosialdemokratiets kjerne. “Jeg har stemt sosialdemokratisk i 40 år, …

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TV interview: Heartbreaking humanitarian tragedy Libya

Heartbreaking humanitarian tragedy in Libya. Herland Report Linda Ulstein

  Herland Report TV, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Linda Ulstein ait Arezki, about the heartbreaking humanitarian tragedy in Libya post 2011 NATO. We address Saadi Gaddafi, Safia Farkash, Aisha Gaddafi, Hannibal Gaddafi and the heartbreaking fate of the family of the late Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi. Watch here. Mme. Ulstein: “Thank you for giving me the chance to raise …

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Human Rights Tragedy in Libya, silence in the West – Linda Ulstein

Human Rights Tragedy in Libya Linda Ulstein Herland Report

  Report TV: “We learn from the books about equality and freedom, but in reality we see totally the opposite in Libya. What is going on under the militia rule now is very inhuman,” says the President and Founder of the Norwegian Organization for Human Rights in Libya, Linda Ulstein Ait Arezki in this Herland Report show about the Human …

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Libya Militia Prisons hold thousands unlawfully # Saadi Gaddafi

Libya 2019 Reuters BBC

  Exclusive to Herland Report, the Libyan National People’s Movement analysis of the situation inside Libya, actualized by ICC overturning Saif al-Islam Gaddafi case to Libya, as Libya Militia Prisons hold thousands of prisoners unlawfully. The international intervention in Libya destroyed the State, including but not limited to, all military and security institutions, local and central government authorities and, the …

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Medieløgnene om Libya krigen: Gaddafi, Sarkozy og eksil-libyeres rolle

Medieløgnene om Libya krigen Sarkozy Gaddafi

  Herland Report: Medieløgnene om Libya krigen:  Storbritannia leverte sin i 2016 og undersøkelsen viste massiv feilinformasjon og Fake News fra de ledende mediene. En lang rekke avgjørende løgner ble presentert i media om Gaddafi og situasjonen i februardagene, 2011,  løgner som fungerte som portåpnere for NATOs krigføring. NATOs krigføring og bidrag til folkemordet i Libya er et av vår …

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The unattainable dream of free and fair elections in Libya

free and fair elections in Libya Libyan flag Gaddafi Herland Report

  There is a dream for many in so-called third world countries, that the Western form of democracy will lead to “free and fair elections in Libya,” also in the traditionally more authoritarian ruler region. They hope that the Western system will bring development and civil liberties to their population. This is, of course, a very naive perseption. Africa should …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite