Tag Archives: Steve Brown

Ukraine IMF Gold and the Gold Carry Trade Tool for Monetary Cartel

Ukraine IMF Gold: Reuters, The Secret world of Gold and why Modern Monetary Theory is doomed to fail, Steve Brown, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Ukraine IMF Gold: To follow the money is always a good idea. Read the analysis on Ukraine, IMF, the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund in Ukraine and how the Monetary Cartel operates. Ukraine ranks as one of the most corrupt nations in the world. To follow the money is a good strategy when examining who gains …

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Did the United States Win the Cold War, or who will?


  Herland Report: According to popular consensus, by 1991 the USSR lost the Cold War. However, it may be that the USSR’s ‘loss’ and subsequent emergence of the Russian Federation put Russia ahead of the game. If the United States had truly won the Cold War, NATO would be history, and the US would have turned its swords to plowshares. …

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The Federal Reserve oligarch owners: Out-sourcing the Monetary System since 1913

Mindless policy by the Federal Reserve: The Federal Reserve oligarch owners: Getty

  Herland Report:The Federal Reserve oligarch owners: The Federal Reserve banks are privately owned corporations with commercial bank shareholders. Today’s ‘money’ is a guarantee to honor government debt where the currency in our pockets represents trust that the United States government will honor its debt. That debt is purchased by the Federal Reserve US oligarch owners and others (1) from …

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Pax Americana Fascism: The U.S. Militarist Finance System’ connection to the Warfare State

America’s Stolen Guns:American Collapse: Ammo

  Herland Report: Pax Americana Fascism: A handful of the largest investment firms on the planet own pretty much everything, as intertwined with the western financial/monetary structure at the top; but that’s just one major element of control. Understanding Pax Americana aggression whether by “color revolutions” or the creation of failed states, requires more than an understanding of its overall funding (monopoly …

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Empire spooked by peace talks in the Middle East: Saudi, Iran and the war in Yemen

Peace talks in the Middle East: AP Yemen

  Herland Report: Peace talks in the Middle East: Fruitless talks between Saudi and Iran have been ongoing for some months now. But the idea of ongoing talks to reduce tension in the region seriously spooks Empire, where any minor thaw in militarist tone gets alarm bells ringing inside Washington’s war machine. According to my source, the ongoing probe for rapprochement …

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The Billionaire Rulers of the West: Obsessed with Transhumanism and Postgenderism

Control global health: Bill Gates CEO Magazine Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Rulers of the West: Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, Hillary Clinton, Klaus Schwab, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Elon Musk… and the mega-billionaires/trillionaires some whose names we do not know — push the postgenderist movement, a subset of transhumanism. A reasonably concise definition and description of postgenderism is found on Wikipedia, see link. “Postgenderism is a social, political and …

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The Coup That Deposed a President, or not yet?

Covid and Donald Trump: The Truth about Trump: The Coup That Deposed a President, or not yet? CNN, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Coup That Deposed a President, or not yet? Like an old truck, the US political system has lumbered down an uneven road for many years but the mileage on the clock is beginning to show. No longer a Constitutional Republic — and certainly not a “democracy” — the cracks in the system appeared long ago, and …

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Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy: Neoliberalism shall return Full Force

Biden implements Communist Centralized Power: Biden Executive Order implements Communist Centralized Power to Rule the Bureaucracy Staggering 40 % believes Biden suffers from dementia, cognitive ailment, turning senile, People

  Herland Report: Subsequent to the Captured State’s nearly four-year setback in its attempt to shape the world to suit their Globalist-Neoliberal agenda, let’s examine what the Biden-Harris regime’s foreign policy might look like, writes author and published scholar on the US monetary system, Steve Brown for The Herland Report.   CHINA Perhaps controversial to some, no nation should give …

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45 years on, US Intelligence Rehabilitates a Major Cold War Failure

Mile Markers of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms from 9/11 to COVID-19, Herland Report, CIA

  Herland Report: Steve Brown: 45 years on, US Intelligence Rehabilitates a Major Cold War Failure: There are several CIA theories about what happened to Soviet defector Nick Shadrin after his disappearance in 1975, none particularly credible. Shadrin (true name: Nikolai Artamonov) was a Soviet defector to the West, a US intel asset secretly working for the KGB. In other …

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