Tag Archives: Sweden

Sweden was right about Covid all along, has lowest mortality rate in the EU

Sweden was right about Covid, has lowest mortality rate in the EU Skavlan

  Sweden’s excess mortality during the pandemic is the lowest in the EU and the Nordics, according to new calculations from Statistics Norway. Sweden was right about Covid: Anders Tegnell, the hero for lockdown sceptics worldwide, was the state epidemiologist in Sweden between 2013 and 2022 who refused to lockdown Sweden. He was harassed by the mainstream media throughout the …

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Sweden pandemic experts defied lockdown and masks, and doing great

Skavlan photo. Sweden pandemic experts defied lockdowns and masks, and doing great:, Anders Tegnell, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Leading Swedish health experts claim the country has a falling coronavirus infection rate because it was one of the few that didn’t go into lockdown and has rejected the need for masks, writes Rupert Steiner in MarketWatch. Arne Elofsson, a professor in biometrics at Stockholm University, thinks the population has developed a form of immunity: “Strict rules …

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Eight US states have defied lock down and remain open #Sweden #Belarus


  Herland Report: Eight US states have defied lock down and remain open: Not all US governors have chosen a lockdown. In Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming the method chosen have the herd immunity strategy. These states are limiting the size of gatherings, close schools and some nonessential businesses, and prohibit on-site dining at …

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Turn for the worse for Western Rape Capital Feminist Sweden

Rape Capital Feminist Sweden: denmark-border-control-sweden-violence-2019 Herland Report.jpg

  Herland Report: Rape Capital Feminist Sweden: As Denmark now sets up border controls with Sweden, due to civil unrest, the story of Sweden has taken yet another step for the worse. Financial Times states how bombing attacks in Copenhagen are linked to Swedish gangs, to the point that the Danes need to close the border to boost security. In …

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Feminism and Criminal Immigrant Destroyed Sweden

Sweden gang rape liberal Heralnd Report

  Herland Report: Feminism and Criminal Immigrant Destroyed Sweden: In Sweden the rape of white Swedish women by black immigrant-invaders never stops. In the latest outrage four Eritreans forced a 13 year old Swedish girl into a bathroom and took turns raping her while filming the gang rape. According to the news report, the vaginal rape was “preceded by violence …

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The Massive Immigrant Problem in Europe

Callais immigrant crisis Herland Report AP

  Herland Report: Paul C. Roberts: Nurse in Germany Sends Message that Describes The Camp of the Saints as the Present-day Situation in Germany: “In Europe, truthful information about the Islamic immigrants forced on Europe by the EU, Merkel and George Soros is considered a hate crime and is forbidden. Marine Le Pen, leader of a large political party in …

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Dokumentet som startet krigen mot terror og flyktningstrøm, Niels Harrit

  Herland Report: De lagliga grunderna för invasionen av Irak 2003 har blivit ifrågasatta i flertalet länder. Den mest välkända är Chilcot-utredningen i Storbritannien, vilken startade 2009 och resulterade i en rapport 2016. Undersökningen handlade inte om legaliteten av krigshandlingen, men den brittiska regeringen blev starkt kritiserad för att inte ha tillhandahållit en rättslig grund för attacken, skriver Dr. Niels …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite