Herland Report: Racism, the practice of judging individuals and groups solely based on ethnic origin, is a long standing cultural problem in Europe. In Left wing politics it is apparent in the denigrating view of non-Western immigrants who are chronically viewed as victims that “must be helped into the welfare system,” insinuating that they are not able to help …
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The Sergei Skripal Circus is British Comedy
Herland Report: Frankly, the current British effort to slam Russia is turning into a comedy. The British should return to their roots and search for better script writers than in the current Skripal Circus case. After all, only 24 % of the British believe in the mainstream media, two-thirds among Americans believe that mainstream media is full of fake news. …
Read More »Skripal poisoning only beneficial to Britain?
Herland Report: Judging by the speed and determination with which Theresa May accused Russia and declared an ultimatum after the former spy, Sergei Skripal and his daughter allegedly were poisoned, say that this scandal is necessary for Britain, and to someone behind the scenes. The death of Skripal has no value to Russia, it is argued, the man was …
Read More »Moderate rebels used to legitimize US coup in Syria? – Tim Hayward
Herland Report: Moderate political opposition does not involve or support taking up arms against the government, let alone against unarmed fellow citizens. This proposition would be treated as self-evident in our own country, so why are people seemingly ready to discard it when talking about Syria, writes professor at Edinburgh University, Tim Hayward. Moderate uprising does not …
Read More »New World Order: The West breaking away from cultural values
Herland Report: Today there is a strong need for a renewed anchoring in traditional cultural and religious values in the increasingly anti-Christian West. For quite some time and especially the past decades, radical European and American elites have followed political ideologies that have aimed at deconstructing traditional values in order to open up for a new world order and …
Read More »Many Europeans pray for BREXIT end of the Marxist-socialist EU
Herland Report: Many of us Europeans wish for BREXIT and the end of the with its seemingly millions of well paid, arrogant bureaucrats and Brussels politicians who constantly work for the Marxist-Socialist goal of eradicating borders and national identity. They have fought for this for decades, and their failed ideologies have led Europe to its current state of cultural …
Read More »Excerpts from the bestseller “ALARM, Western culture in crisis” by Hanne Nabintu
Herland Report: “Alarm” was first published in Norway in 2010 and received massive media attention. It became an instant bestseller that was republished five times in that year alone. Excerpts: Today there is a strong need for a renewed anchoring in traditional cultural and religious values in the increasingly anti-Christian West. For quite some time and especially the past …
Read More »Vestens aggresjonskriger: Libya, Afghanistan, Irak
I historiens løp er det mange eksempler på at politiske ledere fører verden inn i urolige faser, deriblant årene før den andre verdenskrig. Det samme gjelder den arabiske våren, eller heller den arabiske vinteren som ledet til betydelige overgrep i Midtøsten. Forsøket på å forenkle opprøret til ensidig å handle om muslimers lengsel etter å bli «sekulær-demokratiske som oss», …
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