Tag Archives: UK

The new Libya: The return of a Gadhafi?

Saif al Islam Gaddafi Liberation

Just as the Syria war did not end with ISIS capturing Damascus, the events in Libya equally have taken an unexpected turn as Dr. Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, the son of Col. Moammar Gadhafi, is a political candidate in the presidential election. (Photo: Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, Libya News) His candidacy is supported by large segments within the Libyan people and viewed …

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“Rule Britannia!” og den glitrende, britiske filosofen Edmund Burke

UK Queen Elisabeth BBC

  En hyllest til Storbritannia til BBC Proms “Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves”. Storbritannia har gjennom historien demonstrert sin evne til realisme og med stor kunnskap om nasjonene evnet å styre de mange. Dette gjelder også i dag, og håpet er at fremtiden vil preges av Storbritannias evne til god ledelse, rettferdighet og fred, skriver historiker, forfatter og grunnlegger …

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Senator Richard Black in Syria, Watch LEAKED “chemical attack” video


  Herland Report: Republican State Senator Richard Black of Virginia has met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and claimed to have knowledge of an alleged Western plot to stage a chemical weapons attack there as a pretext for military action, Newsweek reports. Black, an Army veteran, traveled to Syria on Wednesday to express his support for the government’s war against insurgents and jihadis …

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Upcoming false flag operation in Syria? Idlib creating “Assad chemical attacks”

Upcoming false flag operation in Syria? Idlib creating "Assad chemical attacks" Herland Report

  Herland Report: On Saturday, August 22nd, AugustRussia warned the US administration that the Russian authorities know all the details of the provocation that is being prepared in the province of Idlib. Republished September 14th, 2018. Terrorists are going to simulate a chemical attack allegedly committed by Damascus, and “in response”. The British, Americans and Frenchmen will strike at Syrian …

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The Sergei Skripal and the new Novichok Affair: Simply No Proof

The Sergei Skripal and the new Novichok Affair: Simply No Proof. Huffington Post.

  Herland Report: The Brits have not solved the Sergei Skripal case. There was massive media coverage over Russia as the culprit, but no proof presented as of yet. The Skripals are by now out of the hospital, but conveniently blocked off from the public. Boris Johnson resigned, yet no one knows what really happened.  Before the World Cup, UK …

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Go to jail for speaking out against pedophilia? Tommy Robinson

Go to jail for speaking out against pedophilia? Tommy Robinson

  Since Friday, the case of British anti-militant Islam and anti-islamization of Europe activist, Tommy Robinson has spread across the globe, with the hashtag #FreeTommy gaining traction among his followers from Australia to the U.S. A change.org petition calling for his release had received nearly 500,000 signatures by Tuesday afternoon, with hundreds demonstrating in London, writes the Guardian. The anger stems …

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Dokumentert ingen kjemisk angrep i Douma, Ghouta

Moral greatness of Putin Paul Craig Roberts, Herland REport

  Dokumentert ingen kjemisk angrep i Douma: Erfarne journalister som Pearson Sharp fra den amerikanske TV statsjonen One America News Network har nå vært i Douma, Øst Ghouta i Syria og undersøkt anklagene fra White Helmets om at det skal ha foregått et “kjemisk angrep” i Douma. Det samme har den legendariske journalisten Robert Fisk.  Se førstehåndsdokumentasjonen som Sharp leverer, …

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Trump UK bombing Syria without UNSC mandate

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

The US and its allies struck civil and military facilities in Syria, violating the UN Charter and international law, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, responding to the American-French-British intervention in Syria. Washington launched “an aggression against a sovereign state which is at the forefront of the fight against terrorism,” the statement from the president said. Putin stressed that the multi-national strikes were not sanctioned …

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Two-third in US say media publishes fake news

Paul Craig Roberts Hanne Herland Report

  Two-thirds of Americans say that the mainstream media pushes fake news, 24 % among the British believe what they read in the press. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, one of America’s leading political economists and former editor of Wall Street Journal states the same. Watch the Herland Report show with Dr. Roberts here. And here. We know now, that we are …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite