
The Declining West Now Hates the Values that made us Great in History

The Declining West: The search for meaning beyond Materialism. Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Former Pope Benedict XVI often pointed out that the secular focus on scientific and technological progress alone has created a moral vacuum in the West. The Declining West: It has produced an atheist culture that suffers from a lack of moral energy and compassion. He deemed the lack of traditional moral standards to be the greatest threat to contemporary …

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Sex and lack of Happiness in the Hedonist West

Sex and Happiness: NewWomanIndia

  Life in the hedonist West, where pleasure is the chief good in life, is becoming remarkably bleak. We have become totalitarian in a society characterized by an extreme permissiveness on almost every level. What happened to virtues such as honesty, fidelity, trustworthiness, selflessness, humility? And how is the lack of these virtues affecting us? The topic of a hedonist, …

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Christianity, ethics and Habermas: Moral questions are rational questions of how to live the best possible life

Christianity, ethics and Jürgen Habermas: Moral questions are rational questions of how to live the best possible life. Bild

  Moral questions are rational questions that discuss how we are to live the best possible life. Christianity produced a distinct set of moral virtues that were the ideal standards for justice in traditional, historic Western nations. Christianity, ethics and Habermas: Since the atheist, relativist ideology took over the hegemony in the West, these ideals have been scrapped and substituted …

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General William Booth, the Salvation Army and its Social Revolution

General William Booth and In darkest England and the way out

  At the height of the British Empire, with its unparalleled wealth and international influence, the founder of the Salvation Army, General William Booth, wrote In darkest England and the way out (1890). General William Booth: At this time, the interiors of Africa were being penetrated by Western explorers, among them Henry Morton Stanley, who just returned from the Congo …

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Atheism, Emptiness and Suicide: We have lost the Recipe for Inner Peace

Atheist Emptiness: Herland Report

  Suicide is an epidemic in the West. Among Americans, the numbers are alarming, with suicide as the 10th leading cause of death. Between 1999-2016, the rate increased 30 %, writes Jesse Lee Peterson. Emptiness and Suicide: The reasons for suicide are many, but particularly white people kill themselves, according to studies. Between 2006 and 2016, the suicide rate for …

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Mental Health: The importance of Moral Standards and Self-Discipline

Mental Health: The Meaning of Life: Herland Report

  Reflection on how the spiritual dimension affects our practical lives is more important than ever. There are natural laws, spiritual principles that influence our mental health, whether we believe in them or not. For example, when Jesus said “you will reap what you sow,” he spoke of a law of nature that works regardless of what we think of …

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Secular Extremism: Liberals define secularism as atheism, says Mohammad Usman Rana

Secular Extremism in Europe: Dr. Mohammad Usman Rana, Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): Historian Hanne Nabintu Herland sat down with Mohammad Usman Rana discussing secular extremism in Europe, authoritarian atheism and lack of respect for religious freedom. Watch it here! “Increasingly, we are seeing Liberals define secularism as atheism, and neutrality as godlessness,” says Dr. Mohammad Usman Rana, medical doctor, author and famous commentator in the media, in …

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The hatred of Religion: How did the Left come to hate their own culture and the values that made the West great?

Kafka nightmare is America’s reality: The Kafka nightmare has become America’s reality: To turn a people into extensions of the omnipotent, omnipresent police state. John Whitehead

  Many wonder how the West came to denigrate religion as a source of morality. How the intellectual, neo-Marxist elites in the media, at the universities, among politicians came to perceive Christians as reactionary parts of an undesirable, hopelessly outdated past. How did the neo-Marxists come to hate their own culture so much and its religious foundations? Why the cultural …

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Cancelling the Protestant Ethic is Suicide for the West

Cancelling the Protestant Ethic is Suicide: Mastodonte companies completely dominate: Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite

  The West has departed from its traditional beliefs in Christian ethics. Western capitalism has followed the same path, abandoning its Protestant ethic. As a result, capitalism is transformed into an amoral, atheist system of ethics that legalizes selfishness, an economic order in which there are no constraints on selfishness, greed and deceit. The cancelling of the Protestant ethic has …

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The scientific cure for Depression: Prayer

The cure for Depression: Hanne Nabintu Herland report

  We live in an atheist, Western mainstream culture that almost completely denies the spiritual realm and its influence on human beings. You hardly hear anything positive about religious beliefs or traditional values, for that matter. This is in line with the Marxist ideology, which currently completely dominates Western mainstream culture. Read more about this here. Yet, the New Left …

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